"Regular People Are Earning Over $200 Per Hour As 'Personal Coaches', Helping Folks Solve Everyday Problems!"
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"Discover the secret profession that's allowing people to quit their day job and work from home while earning a 6 figure income..."
Right now there are millions of people that need help making changes and personal coaches are helping them do it. People hire a coach to make all sorts of changes. Some people hire a coach to get help with losing weight, starting a business, or getting into a great relationship.
You might be surprised to learn that CEO's are some of the biggest fans of coaching. And you might be surprised to learn that people will pay $300-$500/month or more to make these sorts of changes. Businesses will usually pay far more.
So what is professional coaching anyway? According to the book "How to Quickly Get Started In Professional Coaching", professional coaching, simply put, is "getting paid to help people make changes."
"Life Coaches" Earn 6 Figures in their Pajamas...
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As a professional coach, you can in fact, earn 6 figures doing work that really makes a difference in people's lives. Your clients will love you for the impact you have on them and it's work that you'll probably find extremely rewarding and fulfilling. Imagine waking up on Monday morning with a big fat smile on your face because you've got something you're really looking forward to - and it's your job! Plus since you'll probably be working from home, you can lay around in your pajamas and no one would ever know. So...
Your next question is likely, "what does it take to become a professional coach?" Well, you may be excited to know that there are really NO requirements. Anyone can become a professional coach at any time with pretty much NO training. Here's what you need:
Here's What It Takes To Become a Personal Coach...
A. You'll need enough confidence in yourself and your ability to make a difference in people's lives. Confident that you are worth whatever you end up charging. Most coaches charge about $300/month for each client... although some charge thousands each month for each client (I'll tell you more about coaching fees in the book). And you need confidence in your coaching process - that you know what to do when you're coaching someone.
Some people have this confidence naturally, without any extra training. Why? Because they may have had other similar types of training or experience. Or just because!
Most people feel the need to get coach training to gain this confidence and to improve their coaching skills. There are a lot of coach training schools these days (I'll tell you about them in my new book). Yet, some coaches get lots and lots of training and never feel confident enough! Don't let this happen to you. Once you feel ready to start coaching people, then...
B. The only other thing you'll need is enough business sense to get coaching clients. Yes, one way to get clients is to get a job as a coach (I'll tell you more about this in my book), but most coaches will start their own business and get their own clients. So, is it...
Too good to be true?
That's it? If you have confidence in your ability to help people and you can get clients, you can be a professional coach? Yes! But, even though it's that simple, it's not necessarily easy. Here's what to watch out for:
1. Being A Great Coach vs. Having A Coaching Business: A lot of people put all of their time and energy into becoming a coach. They get a lot of training and practice, but they don't invest even one-tenth of that time, energy, or money into learning how to get clients and grow their coaching businesses. This is one of the biggest mistakes made by 80% of all coaches. Be prepared to invest time and money into growing your business.
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2. Time: Coaching is an exciting "job." And the idea of having your own business is also very exciting. But, many people think they can quit their jobs and start coaching tomorrow.
While this may work for some people (one of the coaches I mentored grew his coaching business to 6 figures in 90 days), most coaches should expect to ramp up over a 2-year period. If you put a lot of time and energy in, you may be able to do it faster. Some may take longer. Is it worth the investment? Absolutely!
3. Coaching Associations: Coaching associations will tell you that you need to be certified, that you need to attend an accredited coach training school, that you need hundreds of coaching hours before you can become a coach. It's not true. Laws may vary depending on where you live, but in general there are few laws or regulations governing the coaching industry.
The associations have their own agenda (I'll tell you all about them in the book). They aren't bad or wrong for their agenda, but they may not give you the straight truth. I've been coaching for 8 years without getting certified and I've hired about 10 different coaches over the last 9 years and not one of them was certified either.
4. Coaching Schools: Every coaching school or coach training company will tell you why they are the best. Many of them are great, and some of them leave much to be desired. Nearly all of the them will tell you to train with them because they believe their training is best.
It's hard to get an unbiased opinion about getting started in coaching from them. They have an agenda (to have you buy their training). There's nothing wrong with this. They are good people. They are just blinded by their own love for the training they offer.
5. Other Coaches: Many other coaches will mentor you to become a successful coach. Unfortunately, since there are not standards in the industry, you may end up hiring a coach that still has a lot to learn themselves. There is a lot of "the blind leading the blind" going on in the coaching industry. They may be great coaches, but they might not know how to get a lot of clients yet, themselves.
You'll probably still get tremendous benefits from hiring a coach. I'm a huge fan of coaching. It's changed my life 5 times over and I have a coach right now. Just be careful when you hire one. (In the book I'll tell you what questions to ask a potential coach before you hire one.)
6. Business Training: While it's true that most coaches will need to learn how to market their coaching businesses to get clients, there is a lot of business training available that is NOT geared specifically for professional coaches. And, many of the strategies that work for other businesses do not work well for coaches.
There is a tried-and-true formula for success in the coaching business (I'll share this with you in the book). Also, there are some programs geared toward coaches that promise that you'll become successful overnight. Don't trust these. Some of them may be good programs, but some are just trying to take your money.
Sometimes the more we learn, the more questions we have!
Would you like me to answer all of your questions for you?
* How do I get started as a personal coach? (page 27)
* What skills are needed? (page 15)
* Can I start part-time and transition to full-time? (page 41)
* What training do I need? (pages 14-16)
* Do I need to get certified? (page 11)
* How can I get a job as a personal coach? (pages 21-22)
* Do I have to start my own coaching business? (pages 27-28)
* How much money do most coaches make? (page 19)
* How much can I make? (pages 19-20)
* What is professional coaching, really? (pages 3-6)
* Where can I get coach training? (page 46)
* How much does it cost to get started in coaching? (page 29)
* Am I too young or too old to get started as a coach? (page 33)
* Who are the people that would hire a life coach? (page 36)
* Where do I find clients? (page 23)
* What kinds of professional coaches are there? (page 7)
* What kind of background or life experience lends itself to coaching? (page 14)
* The things you MUST have before you start coaching (page 27)
* How can I overcome my doubts and fears of being good enough to coach others? (page 33)
* Do I have what it takes to become a successful coach? (page 35)
* Should I hire my own coach? (page 18)
* What do clients expect of coaches? (page 31)
* What makes a good coach? (pages 33-35)
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Here Are The Answers...
If you want to learn the answers to these questions and more, then please order my book, How to Quickly Get Started In Professional Coaching: The Surprising Truth About What It Takes! and the "Professional Coaching Quick Start Kit".
The book is only available as part of the "Professional Coaching Quick Start Kit". This is a summary of what is included in the kit...
The Professional Coaching Quick Start Kit Includes...
1. Two Questionnaires:
The first one , "How to know if you'll make a great coach" will let you know right away if you have the makings of a great professional coach.
The second one, "How to know if you've got what it takes to succeed in the coaching business" will let you know right away if you have what it takes to succeed in the coaching business.
Details: Both of these questionnaires will be emailed to you instantly when you order this "Coaching Quick Start Kit" and you can fill them out in a matter of minutes!
Quickly Learn How to Get Started In Professional Coaching
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2. The Book:
The eBook: You'll get the entire book, "How to Quickly Get Started in Professional Coaching: The Truth About What It Really Takes!"
Details: This book is 48 pages long and contains the answers to all of the questions people have about getting started in coaching. Plus, the answers are very in-depth, and thought provoking. You'll be able to cut through many of the myths, misconceptions, and the industry "agendas" that other people may have for you. This book is in the very universal, Adobe PDF format and will be available for instant download immediately after ordering.
3. Audio Programs:
Audio Program #1: In this 2-hour audio program, you can listen to a summary of the book by the author. I summarized the book and then had an open Q & A session at the end to answer everyone's questions!
Audio Programs #2 & #3: Audio programs #2 and #3, are entirely Q & A sessions between me and people who read the 1st draft of the book. These calls surfaced new questions that were more in-depth.
Details: All of these audio programs will be made available *instantly* after you order. You'll be able to listen to them on your computer (or burn them to CD). The files are in MP3 format so you can download them to your ipod. There's also an "instant play" button that you can click so you can start listening right away even if you aren't very tech savvy.
Your "Happiness" Is Guaranteed!
This package comes with an "unconditional happiness guarantee!" This means that if you don't *love* everything that you get and you aren't completely happy with your purchase -for any reason, simply let me know and I'll return every penny to you. You'll have a full 8 weeks to try everything out and make sure you're very happy. And, I'm sure you will be!
So how much is it? From this book and the audio programs, you'll learn nearly everything I know about quickly getting started in professional coaching. -Everything I've learned over the last 8 years! What is that worth? And...
You'll be able to avoid the mistakes I've made (and most coaches make) which will save you hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars. What is that worth? I'd say it's worth a lot. But, I don't want you to pay a lot. Why?
Coaching is my passion! I love it. I love it as a client that's made huge breakthroughs and life changes. And, I love it as a coach who gets to do something fun, meaningful, and high paying! I want everyone to experience the power of coaching. And...
I don't like to watch people get into this business and struggle for years only to quit because they couldn't "make it." This does happen to some coaches that work really hard, but they work hard at doing the wrong things. I don't want this to happen to you. This program will get you started down the right path.
Program Summary:
Questionnaires: "How to know if you'll make a great coach" and "How to know if you've got what it takes to succeed in the coaching business"
Audio Programs: The 2-hour book summary session and the two 60 min. pure Q & A sessions. You will be able to download these audio files to your computer or simply click a button and they will play immediately (even with no technical "know how"). MP3 file format and instant play buttons.
The Book: You'll get the entire book, How to Quickly Get Started in Professional Coaching: The Truth About What It Really Takes!
Quickly Learn How to Get Started In Professional Coaching
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Bonus: Overview of the 5-Step Coaching Methodology Audio Program. This is an overview of the training program I use to teach the coaches on my coaching team. (audio program - 60 min., with learning guide - in MP3 file format and instant play buttons)
Happiness Guarantee: You'll have 8 weeks to make sure you love every bit of this program. If you don't love it, you don't pay, period.
Price: $39
Click the link to the right to grab your copy which comes with our 8 Week Unconditional Happiness Guarantee --> click here to order this now
The product and bonuses are in MS Word, Adobe Acrobat, and MP3 formats. You will be able access your purchase instantly from a special web page. ClickBank sells our products - they are a trusted online retailer specializing in digitally delivered products.
Why Coaches Love Coaching...
I asked 21 coaches what they love most about working
with their clients. Here's what they said...
"I love the way I can help out a fellow person on their journey in life."
"I love experiencing my most "creative mind" that comes alive when I am coaching."
"That people definitively get in a better mood being around me."
"I love helping them create and live the life of their dreams, sometimes coming from a place of "I can't have that" to "yes I can" and "now I do!"
"I love to see them go from that place of "scattered" to
actually "seeing a way through" -- to see progress and think
that I had a role to play is a real thrill for me."
"Seeing the 'light go on' and people being much more
focused and happy in themselves and their work."
"I love the variety, the challenge and the
human interest."
"I love helping people overcome obstacles to achieve their goals, and I love the freedom and flexibility that coaching gives me."
"It's so much fun to watch them bloom and grow, to
light up and start living the life they want to live."
"The energetic feeling I get when they feel clear
and have overcome an obstacle or belief."
"Watching their lives and work get so much better!"
"Seeing the difference in their lives... more vibrancy,
more accomplishment, more self-esteem."
"I get to help them find solutions to problems that
are holding them back."
"I love to see their happy smile when they realize
they have it made."
"The change they experience in a short period of time."
"I love to see them moving towards their dreams."
"I love watching them heal, watching them feel
empowered, literally have more action power to take
action, being who they really are."
"Their little breakthroughs along the way - and
then when they look back at what distance they have
travelled... Plus that they are still the same person."
"Being a part of people changing or experiencing
change. I LOVE seeing people smile and enjoying life."
"I love the excitement of the transformation."
"Being their partner in growing and development,
being an "eye witness" to their going from where they
are now to where they want to be."
Quickly Learn How to Get Started In Professional Coaching
Click Here! If You want To Quickly Get Started In Professional Coaching
"He will guide you every step of the way!"
Christian is inspiring... he is innovative and creative. If you want to be a successful coach, do yourself a favor and learn from Christian! He will guide you every step of the way with humor and love and lots of practical information. He's the best!
-Leslie Ann Cardinal
Professional Certified CoachLeslieCardinal.com
"You'll have fun!"
"Christian's teaching style is fun while full of great information and step-by-step plans to implement complex ideas in easy ways."
- Minesh Baxi, Minesh Baxi and Associates
"Tremendous knowledge and insight into the professional coaching industry!"
"Christian has great intuition, high integrity, tremendous knowledge and insight into the industry, and a genuine love for helping others rise to their full potential as coaches. I've known him for over 5 years and have participated in several of his programs. I highly recommend him!"
- Dee Relyea, M.Ed Career and Life Coach
Your investment in the "Professional
Coaching Quick Start Kit" is just $39.
The book, the questionnaires, and the audio programs are all included! All for a one-time investment of $39!
If you're thinking about waiting, instead of waiting, I challenge you to take action now! If you're seriously considering getting started in professional coaching, this book and quick start kit are "must haves."
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