Monday 30 March 2009

How To Train You're Dog The Right Way

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How To Train You're Dog The Right Way
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Do you have a dog that neither listens nor obeys? Are you ready to transform your dog into a well-behaved, obedient “Best friend” who obeys your commands and behaves like a well-trained show dog? If so, these home dog training methods you’ve got to see…

"Now For The First Time, The Secrets Of The Mysterious Canine Mind Has Been Unlocked!
Don’t Pass Up This Exclusive Opportunity To Discover The Dog Training Tactics And Techniques The Experts Use To Tame And Control Dogs Who Won’t Listen Or Cooperate!"

Keep reading to find out how you can train any dog of any age to follow your orders without hesitation - even if he/she never followed orders before!

From: Kenneth Washington
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Dear friend,

I’ll be honest with you.

Everyone knows dogs are cute and lovable. But everyone also knows dogs can be difficult and nearly impossible to control at times.

If you’ve tried over and over to train and discipline your dog to respond to your commands and learn to behave the way you want him/her to behave…

If you’re curious about how to understand their unique “Dog” language…

Or if you simply want to learn all there is to learn about dogs.

This book places you in the “Inner circle” of dog training knowledge. You’ll learn home dog training secrets, tips, and tricks for which the experts charge phenomenal fees.

And all the experts are doing is implementing proven principles for training and controlling canine behavior.

This book will teach you proven obedience training for dogs, principles and much, much more.

"So go ahead, cancel your next appointment with your professional dog trainer. You won’t need him when you’re “In the know” about how to train your dog..."

It's true, because you’ll be learning how to train your dog right, including all the little secrets dog trainers know by heart.

You will immediately pick up information you probably thought you could never so easily obtain.

You’ll learn a wide range of techniques that have been fine-tuned so that even if you hired a personal dog trainer for hundreds of dollars to stop your dog from barking, nipping, jumping, or being too aggressive, that trainer would never reveal them to you.

You’re about to learn juicy secrets that will have personal dog trainers barking mad!


See page 3 for an eye-opening look at man’s companionship with dogs throughout history. I’ll describe how these loyal and lovable companions have helped their human companions through the ages. You will be surprised at some of the feats dogs are capable of doing.

See page 8 to understand how these loyal and lovable companions think and act. I’ll discuss little-known facts behind dogs’ traits of socialization and loyalty and everything you need to know about obedience training.

On pages 15-17 learn how to take care and socialize you're puppy or dog with anyone, even with a total stranger!
Bullet I'll disclose on pages 20-24 crate training secrets! Learn the psychological consequences of leaving you're dog alone for a long time.
Bullet See pages 24-26 to implement 3 important health components that are essential for adding 10 to 15 extra years on your dog's life. Also I will let you know the absolute worst and the best food to be feeding your dog!

On page 34 learn all-purpose tips to “See” into your dog’s brain and reveal what exactly makes him/her “tick.” Everything from what compels him/her to be a “good dog” to canine instincts that can become overbearing. The experts will shed light on the basic realities of dog ownership!

Become the “Alpha Dog” and train your dog to obey. On page 38, I’ll begin to expose the dog training tips, tactics and techniques to follow to assume this role easily.

On page 40 you’ll find the 4 biggest myths surrounding the behavior of the Alpha Dog and reveals what you need to do to have a successful relationship with your dog.

Find out on page 43 how to house train your dog quickly and easily using simple techniques known only by professional dog trainers.

Every dog owner needs this guide to effectively establish easy routines correctly.
Bullet If you want your dog to obey without hesitation your every command (and who doesn’t?) turn to page 47 and see the break down of 4 easy-to-follow steps to train your dog to complete nearly any task on command.

Every dog is unique and special. On page 49 you’ll find a little-known tactic every dog owner should know to teach their dog to never run away, or even dash unexpectedly out in the street in front of a speeding car.

I’ll even teach you how to train your dog to enjoy being in a kennel. See page 51 and learn the methods in no time at all. It doesn’t matter if your dog sleeps outside or inside. I’ll give you all the knowledge you need.

On page 54 I’ll address the toughest challenges you face and teach you to break an aggressive dog out of those habits. Whether he’s barking, biting, or just much too aggressive, I’ll disclose the techniques 95% of good veterinarians use to tame even the wildest beast!

Successful dog obedience experts would quickly go out of business if they freely gave away these 5 shockingly simple training shortcuts. Turn to page 60 for my revealing “Special Report” that gives you the inside information the experts don’t want you to know.

And that barely scratches the surface!

I’ve compiled all the tips, techniques and shortcuts that top dog training experts practice in one information packed book. Use these dog training methods and get quick, effective results.

These experts never thought I’d remember their proven secrets they guard so fiercely. These secrets work over and over. Now the word is out in my book, to you, today.

It’s good that the secrets are out.

It’s a sure bet that personal dog trainers would never have let you known any of these secrets.

He or she would work with your dog over and over, happily returning for more sessions to “improve” your dog’s behavior.

The truth is, with this book you can do them yourself--and get better results.

(It is your dog, after all.)
Who can do a better job of training your dog than you?
Why would you hand over your hard-earned money to expensive “expert” dog trainers?

Don’t do it.
Decide to take action today, before they “sic the dogs on me.”
How to train your dog the right way

We offer a rock solid

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Price $47

How To Train You're Dog The Right Way
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What else can I say?

This incredible resource is only $47.

Unbelievable? Yes, but true (for proof check the order form).

You can easily download an electronic version in mere minutes.

You don’t have to schedule any appointments or meetings or interrupt your personal schedule.

You don’t have to pay any exorbitant fees when you do it yourself.

The personal dog trainer and his sky high fees don’t even figure into it!

I've listed below some of the success stories from the many I have received.

So...please keep reading they say;

The results really do speak for themselves.............................

"I would like to highly recommend your Training Package because it has proven to be just the thing for my 4 Dogs.

My daughter has already 3 dogs and I recently acquired a 2 year old Bichon Frise. The bad thing is that my daughter's dogs were fighting with the new member of the family all day long, and I couldn't do anything to stop this.

...more then that, I was thinking of returning my 2 year old Bichon Frise..but your guidance in implementing some little changes has changed everything.

I can already see some dramatic improvement in the family.

I appreciate you're help and guidance.

I would recommend the amazing materials you have put together for any dog owner."

Kathryn ,

"How To Train You're Dog The Right Way package is wonderful and easy to understand and put into practice.

Until I found this training website, I had bought 3 training guides that each were reasonable in what they contained...but none that were as complete and as easy to understand as yours.

After spending lots of time trying to change the behaviors of my gorgeous dog, and feeling as if my best intentions were no good, with 0 results...I am so happy (now) that I can recommend to everyone a program that really works, and know that my dear Lucky can safely live a long happy life.

I am still working with Lucky, but I can already see dramatic improvements with some of his bad habits, especially barking all the time at anything and everything. my migraine headaches are a thing of the past.

How To Train You're Dog The Right Way
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...thanks to YOU. "

Barbara ,

North Carolina

"Thanks you for all your efforts in putting this wonderful dog training information together.

Your training package has really helped me. The explanations are very easy to understand and follow..I could never believe that old Buddy here can be taught to stop barking in such a short period of time.

I found the dog psychology chapter very, very interesting and finally now I can see why Buddy does the things that he does. Now I can see where I went wrong and know what to do in order to get things back on track.

The other helpful thing for me has been the section on Doggie Health. I had no idea about what onions could do to a dog. "

Nancy & Buddy,

Portland, Oregon

You decide.

It may be now or never to make the decision.

Make the wise choice.

Home dog training methods
Obedience Training: A Dog Owner’s Guide

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Hope to see you soon :)

I look forward to placing your success story above,

Kenneth Washington

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P.S. #1 - Your dog is a member of the family. Are you tired of dealing with inappropriate behavior or cleaning up unnecessary messes? You didn’t get a dog because you wanted to watch over him/her every minute of the day, did you?

P.S. #2 - Whether you want your dog to fetch your newspaper and slippers, or transform him into the epitome of a well-disciplined dog who jumps at your every command, the home dog training methods in this book are designed to help you reach that goal faster.

P.S. #3 - Hiring a professional dog training expert can cost thousands of dollars and may not even turn out the way you planned. Harness the secret potential of these expert-approved obedience training for dogs tips and techniques. You yourself can raise and train nearly any dog to your own standards.

Click here to learn how to become a dog training expert right now. Don’t put it off any longer - train your dog the right way now!

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How To Train You're Dog The Right Way
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