“Let Me Show You Exactly How You Can Get Clients, Keep Clients, and Charge 35% More Than Your Competitors - Just like I’ve Been Doing for The Past 19 Years…”
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"I’ve Seen Over a Dozen Competitors
Come and Go - But We’re Still Here."
Adopt My Approach Today and Watch Your
Business Grow Into An Enduring Profit Machine
19 Years and 30,000 Sessions
are Proof that It Works
My proven approach to personal training success...
Keeps clients coming back for more, year after year
Allows you to charge top rates
Generates a waiting list of eager prospects
Eliminates advertising expenses
Makes you immune from competitors
Protects you from economic slow-downs
(even the one we are seeing now)
Dear Personal Trainer,
A personal training business is unlike any other. The unique challenges we face in order to get and keep clients are plenty enough to dash our best efforts.
Today I’d like to tell you how I’ve been able to avoid these problems in my personal training business - The Millburn-Short Hills Athletic Club, located in Millburn, New Jersey.
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Nineteen years ago, I had a powerful realization about the personal training business that made me physically weak. For someone who was working out 9 hours per week, that’s saying something. It was one of those ‘ah-ha’ moments when things suddenly become clear.
Take full advantage and apply these lessons to your business today.
Without this realization, I never would have succeeded in the personal training business.
My bet is that even with my National Strength and Conditioning Association certifications (CSCS, CPT) and the invaluable training and experience I received from PlusOne Fitness Clinic in New York City 21 years ago, I would have struggled and then folded like so many personal training businesses do.
During the past 19 years, I have seen over a dozen competitors open and close their doors in my area.
All of them struggled from day one to get a full roster of clients. All of them struggled to keep clients. All of them struggled to charge rates high enough to cover expenses and live. In an effort to keep their doors open, the great majority of them offered open gym time instead of personal training only, as well as group classes in just about every shade of fitness fad you can imagine. (Remember Tae Bo?)
The few that survived continue to struggle with the same problems they had day one: getting clients, keeping clients, and charging enough.
It's the proven path to a successful personal training business.
In contrast, at The Millburn-Short Hills Athletic Club we have never changed our approach to getting clients fit. We have never had holes in our roster. We often have a waiting list of clients who want in. And we have always charged more than anyone else has.
Since we opened, there have been four economic slow downs in this area. None of them have taken away from our business. Even during the present slow down - the worst we have seen yet - I have signed up four new clients in the last 3 months and none of my present clients have bailed.
I have seven clients that have been with me for over ten years, four of whom have been with me for more than fifteen years. I’ve also had clients leave and train somewhere else, only to come back after seeing the error of their ways. And no, I don’t keep clients by signing them up for long-term contracts. All of my clients sign up for 4 to 6 week blocks. They stay on because they choose to.
So why do clients stay with me for years? And why are they willing pay us so much more than personal trainers down the street?
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What I have to tell you cannot
be found in any personal
training course, certification
process, or business training.
It was 1988 and I was working at PlusOne Fitness Clinic in SOHO - the top personal training gym in New York City. Some of the most recognizable names of the past 100 years were clients there. As you can imagine, clients paid a pretty price for the best training available…and they expected a lot in return.
On my first day, I came in 30 minutes early to prepare. I wrote up a workout log then waited - doing my best not to throw up. About 5 minutes before my first ever “big time client” arrived, the director of training told me that for the first session I wasn’t allowed to use any equipment. Yeah, that’s a funny joke, I thought. But he was dead serious. No equipment.
Right on cue, the star client walked in and boom - I had to hit the ground running. With the equipment, I could have moved from station to station having the client bang out sets of this and that. Instead, my mind had to work to make my client work. And the session turned out to be a total success.
It showed me something very valuable. Due to the exceptional training at PlusOne, I had the knowledge and ability to get clients fit without machines or equipment. You’re probably wondering why that’s such a big deal. Well, that simple realization was the seed that grew into the successful business I own today.
The secret of getting long-term commitments from clients.
A couple years later I had just opened my training studio in Millburn. Barely 800 square feet. There I was putting a client through the paces and a young married couple stopped by to inquire about my services. I didn’t have a receptionist or anything - it was just me! They asked if it would be okay to watch me train my client. He didn’t mind, so I agreed. There were 15 minutes left in the session.
Afterward, the married couple said that based on what they saw, they both wanted to start immediately. Seventeen years later, they are still training with me 4 - 5 sessions a week.
As time went by, I used this same method to get more clients. It worked like magic. I just did my thing and it hooked in new clients very deep, very fast. But how could this be? Simply watching my client do box jumps or squats could not be responsible for such on the spot enthusiasm and commitment to my program.
carol testimonial
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What makes my program so attractive?
During my sessions I don’t just focus on the physical. I also engage clients on a mental level. I talk to them, give advice, show them how it works, and why. Every session they walk away with something new, something inspiring, something that will help them reach their goal of ultimate health and fitness.
When they come back for their next session, I put them through the physical paces once again. And again, I give them something on a mental level. Every time they leave my facility, they know more, understand more, and are therefore better equipped to make decisions that promote their health and fitness. They are motivated!
If their mind is not engaged, if emotions are not stirred, and the intellect not stimulated…then their motivation to be fit will be low. If it stays low, they quit and they won’t come back because you are not delivering on your service. You are not providing them with everything they need to reach their goal of fitness.
So when prospects come and watch, even for just one session, they get excited by what I am saying…and this fuels the motivation to commit to my program.
west point testimonial
Every session they have after that, deepens their commitment to you.
But here’s a distinction you should note.
Do we train clients in this manner because it results in enduring profits? Actually, no.
My physical training program achieves the goals of my clients better than anything out there, better than anything that has come and gone. And this has solidified my belief in it. It’s not an exaggeration to say that these beliefs are on par with my core values.
I am acting on my beliefs and values - not my desire for money. My beliefs form a program that a) gets my clients fit and b) makes me money.
These beliefs are responsible for one more thing. Probably the most important thing of all. They build a strong organization - the business. I say it’s the most important thing of all because without it, you can’t get clients fit and you can’t make money.
Yes, I know this is painfully obvious but think on this for a moment. In order for you to have an enduring and profitable business, you must keep in mind that the primary goal is not to get people fit. This is not a profitable and enduring business plan.
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Rather, your goal is to create an organization that gets people fit.
Stop spending money on advertising, stop chasing people down to sign up for your services, stop thinking up new ways to train people, stop buying more equipment, stop cutting your rates.
Most personal trainers never learn how or where to begin looking to achieve their own success. That’s why I wrote How To Make More Money as a Personal Trainer. It simply and straightforwardly reveals all the details of this winning fitness program as well as my tried and true personal training business strategies.
"This book is a must read for anyone interested in improving their Personal Training Business. It sets the standard for training programs, time management, and methods to improve the bottom line."
Boyd Epley
National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) Founder, Director of Coaching Performance & Hall of Fame Strength Coach
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I don’t know you. I can only guess at your present situation as a personal trainer. But I do know what will hold you back and make it difficult for your business to survive.
Inside How To Make More Money as a Personal Trainer, I’ll show you exactly how to avoid or get rid of these problems from your business forever.
If you are trying to start a new personal training business or boost your present business, then this is definitely for you.
You’ll get detailed explanations on the exact techniques I use to train clients for maximum efficiency and results, as well as why these methods work so well, and how to apply them with your own clients.
Just a few of the things you'll get in How To Make More Money as a Personal Trainer...
Open up your doors to a vast and never-ending market. It starts on page 5.
By the time you’ve completed level 2, you’ll have learned the 45 core exercises. These are exercises that most people can’t do or don’t even know about!
The simple approach that results in you charging the highest rates possible. Page 83.
Work your clients out smarter - not longer. Efficient workouts enable clients to reach their goals sooner and allow you to take on more clients = more income.
The infallible record keeping system that keeps files on all your clients, logs their progress, and keeps track of their billing. Page 92.
Page upon page of ways to enhance your ability to engage and enlighten your clients.
The most common method to attract clients is also the most common mistake. Steer clear of this losing strategy.
I don’t want buyers - I want doers.
One way or another, if you’re ever going to reach that place you want to be, you’re going to have to go through something. In terms of a successful personal training business, I’ll personally show you what that is and how to break through it to create an enduring and profitable business.
But if you’re looking for a way to make more money via shortcuts or shrewd business schemes, then this is not for you.
Some people can apply my approach the next day. Others may take longer. But if you are willing to do the work - the result is the same. Success!
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Like I said, this works like magic. Be prepared for a transformation in yourself, your clients, and most of all, the success of your business.
Eddie Testimonial
Just knowing where to invest your time and attention will be a load off your mind. I’ll help you focus on the key elements that build a successful personal training business. No more distractions!
30,000 sessions of successful
training and business experience
packed into 140 pages!
Inside this incredible 140-page resource:
How your logging system also becomes your sharpest marketing tool for new clients. Page 97
Plan client workouts in 60 seconds using this simple system. Page 95.
If you avoid teaching these advanced exercises, you could be accused of professional negligence.
How to be ready for “elite” clients.
Save your clients from the pitfalls of one-dimensional training.
One of the most misunderstood exercises of all time. Page 52.
The worst things you can do for clients. Eliminate these common mistakes forever.
Learn how to discuss your program with clients and prospects so that it informs, interests, motivates, and sells.
Learn about proper liability waivers to protect your business.
The one thing that will kill your personal training business…and you don’t even know it’s happening until it’s too late! Find out what it is on page 6.
How to manage a staff of trainers so that clients always receive the highest standard of service - even when their regular trainer is absent. Page 97.
How to avoid crushing your business underneath overhead and unnecessary expenses.
Learn specific teaching progressions for every type of person no matter what their age, gender, or ability.
The “Big 5”: a potent cardiovascular conditioning set of exercises to improve fitness, flexibility, and a complete range of motion. Starting on page 43.
How to get clients to commit to sessions twice per week; scheduled in advance. Not doing so is a serious threat to your business. Page 88.
Using equipment to do leg extensions? Find out the far superior alternative on page 54.
Learn my administrative controls to streamline your business operations and save you time.
No need to waste time to make up new workouts. You will have a huge selection of exercises from which to design challenging and interesting workouts for any client.
Tap your clients into the power of over 30 functional exercises that enable them to move like a twenty year-old. The shortest route to fanatically loyal clients!
The under $1000 price point rule.
The full gamut of Dynamic Flexibility Exercises that make strength training easier and more efficient for your client.
The pitfalls of one-dimensional training. Probably the easiest way to sink your business for good.
The common exercise routines that are a waste of time and will not serve your clients and hence ruin your business.
The full explanation on why training on machines never achieves optimum fitness.
What it really means when your client can bench press 250 pounds and can’t do push-ups! Page 48.
Forget having to think of different methods to train your clients. This program allows you to train any age, gender, or ability.
Your client must achieve this one thing before being introduced to weight training. Find out how to test for it.
Find out why weight training is easiest part of a properly designed program.
These particular exercises are the perfect diagnostic tool to assess your client’s strengths and weaknesses. It starts on page 41.
This one simple exercise can push your client into the highest levels of fitness.
‘All that paperwork’ clearly explained so you don’t have to stumble through it. Page 93.
The king of all exercises. Page 63.
The three pre-conditions that make strength training much easier for your clients to achieve. Page 53.
Learn a variety of proven to work pricing strategies.
Unconventional ways to boost your income for years to come. Page 105.
Find out the one and only asset you need to have in order to be a successful trainer.
Avoid a ton of hassle and headache by adopting these proven policies and procedures that your clients must sign. Page 80.
Learn proper performance-based testing to measure your client’s progress.
Learn everything you need to know on how to win the long-term loyalty of your clients.
There are only two certifying organizations that matter. Don’t waste your time and money on the rest.
How to convert the prospect who’d rather ‘pay-as-they-go’ rather than buy a block of sessions. Page 86.
How To Make More Money as a Personal Trainer is the benefit of 19 years of business success.
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But here’s something else I’d like you to have…
Take full advantage of our recent
online expansion - free of charge.
Right now, you can tap into the entire pool of resources we offer online. When you download How To Make More Money as a Personal Trainer, you will immediately have 12 months of unlimited access to the Personal Trainer Coach website as a Gold Coach Member. This includes six webinars spaced throughout the year. A $240.00 value - yours free!
The Personal Trainer Coach website is a rich source of information that compliments and expands on the How to Make More Money as a Personal Trainer book.
Without a doubt - THE EASIEST WAY
Best of all, articles and other resources are added every week.
But even better...
Full access to the Personal Trainer Coach website as a Gold Coach Member will also put you in direct contact with me. Need to ask a question? Need some business advice? Got a problem you can't solve? Just drop me a line on the forum in the Gold Coach Members section and you'll have your answer within 24 hours - at no extra charge. Not too bad considering I charge $250 an hour for consultation.
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As you will see when you arrive at the site, you’ll have unlimited access to:
Personal Trainer Coach Monthly Newsletter. Priority access to the highest quality research studies and expert opinion all in one newsletter. No need to go trolling around the Internet for the latest information on health and fitness.
Unlimited Access to me in Gold Coach Members section of the Forum. Save yourself immeasurable time and expense by asking me any question. The forum also gives you the chance to learn from the experience of others.
The following "absolute must be read" reports. I know. The titles aren't sexy but who cares - every page contains content that can make or break your business. Please, don't breeze over this stuff - every personal training business owner I've seen fail didn't take these to heart.
PTC Members Report #1:
Ten Reasons Personal Training Businesses Fail.
PTC Members Report #2:
Ten Things Not To Do When Dealing With Prospective Clients.
PTC Members Report #3:
7 Entrepreneurial Traits For Success In Your Personal Training Business.
You'll also see other great reports that will help your clients reach their goals and strengthen your business.
12 months of exclusive personal training information and resources all designed to make your business mega-successful.
And of course...
The 140 page "How To Make More Money as a Personal Trainer" book.
...no other site offers personal training resources like these - certain to strengthen your business and boost your bottom line. So what is all this worth to you? Business coaching like this can easily cost you $5,000.00...
But there’s really no way to tell how valuable this resource will be to you. That's for you to decide: If How To Make More Money as a Personal Trainer and all the resources in the members area, plus unlimited access to me through the forum is not to your liking for any reason whatsoever, just email at
within 60 days of purchase and I’ll refund every cent of your money. I think you’ll agree that’s a fair deal.
Everything I've mentioned is available now for a one time payment of
not $197.00
Yeah, it's crossed out because we'd like to ask you a favor.
If you buy today, then 30 days from now you'll get an email from us asking how our book How To Make More Money as a Personal Trainer has helped you boost your income and improve your business. Pretty simple. It should take you all of 55 seconds to answer a couple questions.
As a way of saying "thank you" we're pricing everything I've mentioned at $97.00 for now.
However, we're not going to need feedback on this book forever so be sure to buy today if you want to take advantage of this $100.00 savings.
Just think, you get $100.00 off in exchange for 55 seconds of your time! But still, there's no obligation to give us feedback and you will not be charged if you do not respond to our request. It would just help us out!
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Remember, my proven approach to personal training success...
circle1 Keeps clients coming back for more, year after year
2 Allows you to charge top rates
3 Generates a waiting list of eager prospects
4 Eliminates advertising expenses
5 Makes you immune from competitors
6 Protects you from economic
(even the one we are seeing now)
personal training testimonial
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60 day guarantee
100% Risk-Free Guarantee
If you are unsatisfied for any reason whatsoever, just email me within 60 days of purchase and I'll refund every cent of your money.
Sal Marinello
There’s zero risk, so there's no reason to delay.
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To your success,
Sal Marinello
The Personal Trainer Coach
Millburn-Short Hills Athletic Club
12 Holmes Street
Millburn, NJ 07041-1602
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Email: info@personaltrainercoach.com
P.S. If you’re wondering how you’re going to learn my proven successful training methods from a book, I’ve got you covered. There are dozens of links in the book to videos online where I show you exactly how it’s done. And no, it doesn’t cost extra to see the videos. They’re included in this offer!
P.P.S. This is a one time payment only. You have a full 60 days to cancel and receive a full, no questions asked, refund of your money.
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