Tulane Hall Of Fame Baseball Coach Reveals Baseball Hitting Secrets For Baseball Instruction. Hundreds Of Players Use Our Baseball Instruction And The Results Are Nothing Short Of Astonishing. 45 Players Went On To Play Professional Baseball!
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... And take all the frustration, difficulty, and headache out of YOUR practice time with this EXPLOSIVE informative 'Hitting Tips' package!"
Just Revealed! New Techniques In Understanding The 7 Deadly Misconceptions About Hitting, Learning How To Overcome Them With An Easy-To-Use Proven System, And How YOU Can Put It To Work For You.
From: Joe Brockhoff
Wednesday, 3:00PM
Dear Friend,
First off, thanks for checking out this site.
What you'll learn here is extremely exciting, and honestly... you simply won't find this information ANYWHERE else.
My name is Joe Brockhoff and I'm a former minor league baseball player with the New York Yankees and Division I Head Baseball Coach at Tulane University for over 19 years.
I have seen hundreds of players use our baseball instruction and the results were nothing short of astonishing. 45 of my players went on to play professional baseball, while hundreds of high school players, that I personally mentored, went on to play in college, including top Division-I programs. some of my hitters improved their batting average by over 200 points.
Whether you're playing youth baseball or a grizzled veteran, our hitting tips and baseball drills will work wonders for your hitting stroke and bat speed.
WARNING: Research indicates that over 90% of hitters have poor mechanics. Unless hitters learn the correct baseball instruction, they could reach the stage that they are eliminated from baseball.
They will hang up their bats and gloves and never know how good they could have been!
Don't let this happen to you or your players!
How would you like to suddenly be the most feared and respected coach or player in your league?
But before we go any further, we need to set the record straight.
We're only at the beginning of this letter and you've already seen some really big statements. And if I were you, I'd be wondering...
Is this a Bunch of Hype?
Well, it isn't if you have the right hitting system that is the result of over 40 years of coaching and playing experience, film study, and research that so simple that ANYONE can master (even if you have never picked up a bat before).
Look, if I wasn't the guy who coached all these players, and saw it all happen with my own two eyes, there's no way I'd believe it was true. In other words, I know how you feel.
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So let me put your mind at ease by pulling back the curtain right now and showing you exactly how they did it. You'll hear from professional scouts, baseball players, and coaches that used the our baseball training aids and what they are saying about this unique hitting system, and everything in between.
But I just tell my players to 'Get the back elbow up and swing level'.
First, I deeply respect all the baseball coaches who have given their valuable time to coaching this great game, at all levels, from little league through college, and especially to youth baseball coaches who put in hours of volunteer service.
But this problem was vividly demonstrated to me when traveling in Missouri on a baseball trip. While visiting a commercial batting cage, a baseball coach had all of his players in each of the hitting stalls. I watched him as he walked from stall to stall, telling each hitter, "Get the back elbow up!"
As we were watching, I calmly asked the coach, "Coach, why do you tell your hitters to get the back elbow up?" He gave me what I thought was an honest answer. He said, "I really don't know the reason. I only know that it is something common that coaches teach their hitters."
It's Not Your Fault...
And the main reason it isn't your fault is this: you haven't got the luxury of time.
It could take you years and cost you a small fortune to figure out just the right combinations that make some baseball instruction work - while others fall flat on their face.
Well, that pain ends once and for all - today...
But instead of knocking yourself out trying to come up with just the right system to be a better hitter, or teach your players the correct way, you can now have it inside a hitting system called the:
"Super 8 Hitting System"
At Last! Every technique on becoming a better hitter is here and makes other baseball training aids obsolete.
But don't take my word for it, here's what professional scouts, college coaches, and professional baseball players are saying about this unique hitting system:
Eric Lane: Former San Francisco Giant
"An outstanding program designed to improve hitting performance for all ages."
- Skip Bertman. Former Head Baseball Coach, LSU Tigers and 5-Time NCAA Division I National Champions
"Outstanding! One of the best systems on the market today for teaching bat speed and power hitting."
- Mel Didier. Director of Player Development, Arizona Diamondbacks
"If you ever have the opportunity to hear what Joe Brockhoff has to say about hitting, you had best listen. He is considered to the E.F. Hutton of offensive baseball... when he talks, people listen."
- DeWayne "Beetle" Bailey. Hitting Coach, LSU Tigers
"Not only did my team win the Dixie Boys World Series for 16 year olds, we also broke the all-time Dixie Boys Tournament Batting Record... Every one of my players used the Super 8 Hitting System."
- Dan Hartley. Dixie 16 Year Old Boys Coach, Daphne Alabama
"I have used Coach Brockhoff's Super 8 Hitting System since I was a player on Tulane's 1986 Championship team. It is absolutely the simplest way to learn the proper hitting stroke."
- Dan Wagner. Hitting Coach, University of Southern Mississippi
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I know you're probably still skeptical and a bit on the conservative side, but think about this - if you keep doing the same things over and over again - you'll only succeed in getting the same results. That's why I want to let you try out my proven hitting system - completely and totally risk-free! (I'll tell you about my unique guarantee in a moment).
Here are just a few things you'll learn in this amazing hitting system
Step by step instructions to help you understand the 7 deadly misconceptions of hitting.
The 'right way' to go from 'stance to finish'. Learn the mistakes that so many hitters make, and how to overcome them!
A Fool Proof Development System to instantly increase bat speed in less than one week.
Surprisingly Simple Methods You Can Use tomorrow to instantly improve your batting average by hundreds of points!
Learn the correct way to hit inside and outside pitches, complete with illustrations.
How a hitter must train his hips to take him to the ball.
How to avoid the 'squish the bug' misconception and what SHOULD happen during the pivot.
The correct 'wrist action' a batter should use to drop the bat 'like a hammer' and hit line drives instead of ground balls.
How to use the 'stance-step' instead of 'step-stance' to get maximum power during your hitting stroke.
Frankly, I thought long and hard about delivering this exclusive information only as part of a high-priced seminar where I charge at least $200 per person.
The reason I can offer this at a super low price is becuase the course is delivered to you over your computer and I don't have to fork over any shipping, storage, or manufacturing costs. So I can pass the savings on to you.
That's why the entire hitting system is only $47. (Don't worry, downloading everything is a snap and it works for both PC and MAC users, plus you still get all the bonuses listed below).
Think about this:
Split over a year, that is only .26 CENTS A DAY. So for less than HALF the price of a can of soda a day, you can be playing baseball better than 99% of the so called "high school and college studs" out there.
Don't waste another second, click here to take advantage of this offer and order now:
Needless to say, this information is jam packed with the jealously guarded secrets to helping you or your players become a better hitter. But even with that said, just to sweeten the pot a bit, I'm also going to hand you 3 special bonuses ($497 value) to reward you for taking action immediately.
You Can Be Absorbing These Amazing Training Techniques In The Next 30 Seconds!
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Bonus # 1
Baseball Hitting Video Tutorials ($199 value)
You'll get a step by step video tutorial of me teaching one of my students walking you through every step of the Super 8 Hitting System. Learn how to increase bat speed, shorten up the swing, the correct way to 'wrist roll' and more! Get consistent contact at every at-bat.
Bonus #2
Free Video Bonus ($199 value): Secrets to EXPLOSIVE bat speed!
This Exclusive "Only Here" Video will be the staple in your collection. Only here will I expose these hidden techniques that instantly make you hit like a pro!
This exclusive video is absolutely SLAMMED FULL with information regarding my hitting techniques... and how to use them to build a powerful line drive swing in you or each one of your players.
It's impossible to put a price on the information it contains... but it's yours free when you place your order today.
Bonus #3
FREE Audio Lesson ($99 Value)
This amazing instructional audio lesson gives you tips and strategies for becoming a better hitter... another exclusive bonus you simply will not find ANYWHERE else!
You'll discover easy ways to hit the inside and outside pitches, and three hitting drills that you can instantly put in to action RIGHT AWAY! Instantly learn the most successful tactics for understanding the 'wrist roll' to absolutely PUMMEL opposing pitchers with a barrage of extra base hits and towering home runs...
I can say with 100% certainty that you'll never find anything that's as easy to learn as the Super 8 Hitting System.
Plus, you get 3 FREE bonuses Worth $497!
Click here to place your secure order and save over $400!
Together, these 3 free bonuses are worth more than triple your investment in the hitting system -- but they're all yours absolutely free when you place your order.
We believe in this course and stand by it 100%.
So much in fact, here's something else... my Iron Clad Guarantee.
You'll Be Absolutely Blown Away By This Powerful Course Or I'll Refund 100% Of Your Money ...But You Can Keep The Entire Course For Free Anyway!
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That means you can try out all the hitting techniques at my risk for 60 days, while you see if they work for you or not. And if they don't produce, I honestly want to ask for your money back.
There is absolutely no risk whatsoever on your part. The burden to deliver is entirely on me.
This course is not for sale in any bookstore OR on any other website.
You can only find it right here. So don't waste another second, take advantage of this amazing offer right now:
Click here for an instant download of this material. Once your credit card is approved, you will be taken to a special download page where you will download everything along with your FREE bonuses.
It's doesn't matter if it's 2:00 am in the morning!
You must hurry. Remember, you get these 3 FREE bonuses (worth $497) along with the "7 Deadly Misconceptions Of Hitting" for just $47!. These videos alone are worth more than the price of admission.
That's $544 worth of stuff in this package. And, for you - if you order right now, while this offer is still available to the public... your price is just $47.
I'm not happy unless YOU are... if you're not completely satisfied after 60 days, I insist you ask for your money back. If you want a refund, there will be no questions asked, no hassles, and no delays.
But... you gotta HURRY.
Click here and you will be downloading and learning from this breakthrough information within 30 seconds after ordering... and using it like thousands of "Regular Joes" to transform your baseball swing, start hitting lasers, and make heads turn!
I can't wait to see the results after just your first day!
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Joe Brockhoff
P.S. - Remember... You simply won't find this course ANYWHERE else. I'm the only one who has made a course about these hitting secrets and this is absolutely the only place I've released it.
This is simply the most effective baseball hitting system ever available! You'll absolutely be LOVING IT at the thought of making players and fans heads turn left and right!
This is your ticket to learning the "hitting secrets" of the pros and get you or your player on the fast track to college or the pros! You have absolutely nothing to lose, and everything to gain.
P.P.S. - And don't forget about our 60 day Iron Clad Money Back Guarantee! It doesn't matter what the reason is, if you decide this course isn't for you, then we'll give you ALL your money back... AND you can keep the entire course for free!
It doesn't get any more "risk free" than this.
You won't find this deal anywhere, so click here to be taken to our secure order site, and gain INSTANT ACCESS to our hitting system:
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