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NOW there is a Directory that has all that you will need to put you on the right track to become a successful government contractor. Just think, with a click of your mouse you can find who to Contact for;
* Small Business (SB)
* Small Disadvantaged Business (SDB)
* Woman Owned Business (WOB)
* Woman Owned Small Business (WOSB)
* Veteran Owned Small Business (VOSB)
* Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business
* Indian Owned Business (IOB)
* Historical Underutilized Business Zone (HUBZone)
Dir. Of Small Business Utilization Offices In Federal Government
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This is the most comprehensible Directory available, with hundreds of links to
every Department/Agency in the Federal Government.
Doing business with the government has contributed enormously to the growth and development of
any number of Small Businesses. However, it remains a market which is not fully understood by
many and which intimidates others who mistakenly view Federal Procurement as an obstacle much
too difficult and tedious to negotiate. Further, there is a misconception among some that the
government is interested in doing business with large companies only. Entrepreneurs for the most
part are unaware that the government makes a special effort to do business with Small Business,
as a matter of fact, the U.S. Government has a Small Business Utilization Office in every
Department/Agency whose sole responsibility is to make certain that Small Business is
represented in their procurement process. However, most Small Business owners do not know how
to contact the right personal. Consequently, thousands of contracts worth billions of dollars are
overlooked each year by small firms because of their unfamiliarity with government buying and are
reluctant to pursue this market.
If you already have a Small Business or are thinking about starting one, you undoubtedly have
heard about the Small Business Recovery program that is a part of the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act of 2009 signed into law in February 2009. The Act includes provisions for billions
in spending for both Federal and Local Governments which will trickle down to Small Business
Owners just like you.
Here is what is included in this fantastic Directory
Dir. Of Small Business Utilization Offices In Federal Government
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A description of the federal
procurement process and
applicable laws.
Listing of Executive Agencies,
their Departments, addresses
and their Small Business website.
Names of contracting officers
who work specifically with Small
Business, as well as key
personal responsible for the
implementation of agency Small
Business Programs.
Dir. Of Small Business Utilization Offices In Federal Government
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Now there is a Directory that is packed full of the names of contract officers and other key personal
whose sole responsibility is to assist you in becoming a successful government contractor. The
directory lists names, addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses, and links to the web sites
of each agency where you can find such information as, current contract solicitations, contracts that
are coming up for renewal, and forecasts of future buys within the Executive Departments of the
Federal Government and their Agencies. Considering the Price Point, This is a must have Directory
for anyone seeking to do business with the Federal Government!!
There is going to be a lot of Federal Money available, and it behooves the smart Small Business
Owner to get ready to take advantage of this great opportunity. That means learning about
Government Contracting, and getting to know where to start, and who to call so when the spigot
opens, you are ready to get your share.
Dir. Of Small Business Utilization Offices In Federal Government
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Thank you for this information, I never
realized how easy it would be to get to
the right people.
Jack Salazar
Recently, I purchased the Directory and I
have to admit, it is worth much, much more
than the advertised price. We were able to
get to the right people and have since won
2 contracts.
Barbara Jackson
United Services, Inc.
We had been trying to break into the Federal market for some time now but with little success. The bureaucracy was overwhelming. I heard about the Directory from a friend and decided that for $49.95 I probably could not go wrong, so I bought it. WOW! The most intelligent business decision I have made so far in 2009!!!
Arnold Kingman
Infotech Specialists, Inc.
I am delighted to report that we were
selected for a contract with HHS and
could not be more delighted. The
Directory pointed us to just the right
people who were able to assist us.
Dir. Of Small Business Utilization Offices In Federal Government
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Thank You,
Mary McNamara
Stevens Contractors
P.S. This totally insane offer will be raised at any time, so
secure your download right now for just $49.95
Order Your Copy Today!!!
You can relax knowing that your download is protected by our
60 day money back guarantee. If you're not satisfied, just let us know
and we'll refund your questions asked :~)
The Directory of Small Business Utilization Offices will be emailed to you in Adobe Acrobat PDF format within
15 minutes of your purchase, depending on tour Internet connection. A free copy of Adobe PDF Reader
can be obtained free of charge from
2009 Copyright BusinessRecovery2009 All Rights reserved
Never before has this information been compiled into one Directory, It is simple to use and believe
me, you will spend hours on the information. It truly is a bargain at $49.95. Get yours today!!!!!
U.S. Small Business Recovery2009
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