Learn Overnight the *Revamp Your Short Game System* and Conquer Every Green! Follow Link and Read Full Story On Their Official Website:
Revamp Your Short Game System - Putting, Chipping, Pitching, Bunkers!
Hey There Struggling Golfer!
If you're like most golfers, you probably spend your money on drivers, golf balls, and shirts more than you do on your short game. Sure I can tell you I can add 30 yards to your drive and that would shave 10 strokes off your score, but here's the thing.
I'm here to teach you how to really break 80. I'm here to teach you the short game!
Hi, my name is Cody Wheeler, a Class A Master Instructor and Lifetime Member of the PGTAA. Whether you're struggling with the distance on your putts, can't hit a solid pitch, are duffing and skulling chips, or just plain getting stuck in the sand, do not worry. You can fix it. You can turn it around. I have been teaching my the short game using this simple and effective system for over 10 years! Now I am bringing it to you in a full length system with MUCH MUCH more!
Need to Learn How to Pitch? - Gotcha Covered! Ready to Start Spinning Wedges? - We Can Do That! Wanna Take 25 Putts Per Round? - Get Your Roll On! Wanna Learn Some Cool Shots - Not a Problem! How Bout Some Sand Saves? - Sure Thing!
I Am On Your Side...
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Revamp Your Short Game System - Putting, Chipping, Pitching, Bunkers!
Before I say anything else I want you to know this. I am here to help you, not scam you. I could be telling you that I am going to turn you into a pro overnight with some magical swing system, but I'm not. I could be asking you to pay me thousands of dollars for a golf school that won't help you, but I'm not. I could be making promises that I can't keep, but I'm not. I run my business on integrity and honesty. If you put your trust in me and my system, I will be with you every step of the way to your short game improvement.
I've always wanted to help as many people as I possibly could in my life. And while I could give lessons all day long, I would only be able to reach a so many people. So I realized that by releasing this system over the Internet that I have been using with my students for so long, I could help so many more, and that's what it's really all about isn't it?
Virtually every facet of the short game is covered in this system, and anything that isn't, you'll have me at your disposal for any questions you might have.
I chose the name Revamp Your Short Game because that is what I am promising will happen. If you read all of the material you are presented with, you will be armed with all of the knowledge you need to take AT LEAST 10 strokes off your score and most likely more. I am DEAD SERIOUS when I say that.
If You Want To Shave 10 Strokes From Your Game Click Here Now!
For the average player, golf is not about hitting 350 yard bombs and sticking irons three feet from the hole. No. It's a short game driven spectacle. Think about it for a second.
65% or more of the average player's strokes are taken from 100 yards and in. Sixty-Five Percent!!! That means if you shoot 100 on a regular basis, and you take just 1/5 of those 65 strokes away that's 13 strokes! That's an 87! You just broke 90! And believe me, you can do WAAAY better than that! I see it daily! Follow Link and Read Full Story On Their Official Website:
Revamp Your Short Game System - Putting, Chipping, Pitching, Bunkers!
Ok. Ok. So I am getting super excited here because I've seen so many people JUST LIKE YOU, turn their games upside down and just start being courses to death with their short games. Listen. If you REALLY want to improve your scores, then REVAMP YOUR SHORT GAME along with the hundreds of others I have already helped.
"Wow! I had no idea that putting could be so simple. You took the hardest part of the game and put it in a language that I could read, understand, and implement. I spent just ONE WEEK on my putting and I'm already setting personal records!"
- James E.- Louisville, KY -
How The Evil Golf Industry Exploits You
Ask yourself what you paid for your last new driver. Hmm.. $300, $400, $500? Now how much did that actually help your game? How about those expensive golf balls you just bought that are going to end up either in the woods or at the bottom of a lake. Do those help? Nope! What about that spiffy shirt that is supposed to "breathe better." How many strokes did you shave with that one? Zero! But at least you stayed cool right? :)
See here's what the golf industry does. They know their technology is good, but it really doesn't help your scores all that much. So what happens is they come out with all of these new products each year to replace those that didn't work the year before, and for some reason, you keep buying them. Why? Because it's the flavor of the week and you just have to have it...
Unless you've become educated and worked on your game, I bet you shoot EXACTLY the same scores or worse as you did 3 years ago don't you? Yes you do! But don't worry. Everyone does it. That's how the golf industry is designed. But me, I'd rather take the high road and actually help you. So there you go. How about you spend a fraction of what you would on a new driver and actually IMPROVE YOUR GOLF GAME!!
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Revamp Your Short Game System - Putting, Chipping, Pitching, Bunkers!
Now work with me for a minute here and consider this. I charge $60 for a one hour short game lesson. Usually my students that are truly committed to learning the short game end up taking AT LEAST two of these from me. That's $150 right there, and they're glad to pay it and usually come back for more!
But I'm not even coming remotely close to that with this system. In this fully-illustrated, complete with videos, exclusive interviews, tips and drills, and TONS of bonus material (some of which will make you money) system, you'll learn everything I teach them and more, and you'll have it all right in front of you any time you want it!
Click Here Now or You'll Never Break 80!
"I have always wondered how the guys on TV put so much spin on the ball. I couldn't ever do it until now. You made it so easy to understand. The section about how affects your spin the most was one of those "light bulb" moments for me. Thanks Cody!
- Kerry A.- Peoria, IL -
So Future Short Game Master, Here's The Deal...
I'm gonna give you a little bit of a glimpse of what's inside Revamp Your Short Game. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Once you start churning through the pages, you'll discover things about the short game you never even knew existed!
Are You Ready? Here We Go!
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Revamp Your Short Game System - Straight From a Master Instructor
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The Psychology of The Short Game And How to Master It
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How To Minimize Your Errors And Maximize Your Rewards
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I'll Show You How to Control Your Distance With ONE Simple Move
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Full Length Supplementary Videos With Commentary by Me!
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Learn the Focus Techniques That Are Taught by World-Renowned Sports Psychologists
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Why You'd Rather Be in The Bunker
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Chipping, Putting, Pitching, Bunker Play, And Everything Inbetween
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The Short Game Secret of the Pros
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Exactly Why You Haven't Improved, And How to Fix it!
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One of Puttings Biggest Myths is Finally EXPOSED!
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How to Make Your Wedges Stop on a Dime
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A Full Breakdown of Every Type of Short Game Condition
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Discover Your Internal Motivation and Confidence - Shoot Scores You NEVER Thought Possible!
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I'll Show You What Affects Ball Spin the Most of All
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A Complete Guide to Choosing the Right Equipment
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When to Use What Club
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High Shot, Low Shots, Fast Shots, Slow Shots, Long Shots, Short Shots, Big Shots, Small Shots
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Revamp Your Short Game System - Putting, Chipping, Pitching, Bunkers!
A Step-by-Step Action Plan That I Designed Specifically For Short Game Improvement
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Get Up and Down EVERY ... SINGLE ... TIME And....
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And like I said earlier, that's just the Cliff's Notes Version. There is so much material in this system, You'll Never Have to Buy Another Piece of Short Game Literature Again. And the best thing is, when I update it with additional material, You Get It Free of Charge For Life. Nice huh?
Are You Ready to Master the Short Game?
"I just wanted to write and say thanks. I went out to the course yesterday after learning some of the advanced pitching techniques on the practice green and I found myself actually aiming at the flagstick, not just somewhere on the green. It's so nice to be able to stop the ball right where it lands! I feel so much more confident around the greens now and it's making the rest of my game better too! Thanks again.
- Robert M.- Knoxville, TN -
You Get Instant Access To All of The Following Today!
revamp your short game cover
Revamp Your Short Game System - Timeless Techniques to Master The Short Game.
You'll be instantly delivered your, fully-illustrated, complete with video supplements and full working linkable table of contents, packed full of amazing short game techniques, and MORE, complete short game improvement system over your Internet connection in just seconds (longer with 56k). There is no need to even get out of your chair! After reading this system you will be armed with all of the short game information you'll EVER need.
I am going to throw in all of the below bonues, including a Special Secret Bonus that will actually MAKE YOU MONEY! You'll more than pay for the cost of your system with it's contents! short game email
Full Email Support
You will receive support of every bit of the contents of the system via email. If you have a question or comment all you have to do is send me an email and I will get right back to you! - A $100 Value!
free updates
Complete Product Updates - For Free
I am constantly writing and learning. As I update the contents of the system through my own personal learning and through suggestions from readers, you will be notified of all updates absolutely instantly and will be able to download them free of charge. There is no going back to the bookstore to pay for another copy. Nope. This is all yours. Free! - A $57 Value With Each Release!
golf efficiency preview Follow Link and Read Full Story On Their Official Website:
Revamp Your Short Game System - Putting, Chipping, Pitching, Bunkers!
Free Preview of My Next Work - Golf Efficiency
This absolutely revolutionary total game improvement golf system teaches you how to lower your scores without actually changing your swing. These are easy to implement methods. Literally overnight you can become 5 strokes better by following the techniques in this system. Time can only help too! I will select 10 winners randomly from my readers to receive an absolutely FREE copy! - A $47 Value
cw specialty shots
CW Specialty Shots - Advanced Techniques for Short Game Mastery
These are some of the most advanced shots you will ever try. Only single digit handicappers should be doing this stuff. I teach them in a plain english, completey broken down, simple manner. With practice, you'll be a short game master!. It takes my students 2-3 lessons each before I teach them all of these shots. This is an incredible deal and it's your for free - A $105 Value!
short game videos
Exclusive Supplementary Videos - I Break It Down So You Can Do It Too
You'll see the more complex movements in the system performed by yours truly. I'll break it down with full commentary and show you exactly how these moves are made. That's something you won't find in a bookstore! - A $27 Value!
question mark
A Surprise Bonus Worth $1000s
I was given a bonus just like this nearly two years ago. I have since gone on to make nearly $15000 using it. And the opportunities are endless. You can pay for your system 100 times over with this HUGE surprise. I'm throwing it in for you ABSOLUTELY FREE. - Priceless!
healing power of water cover
The Healing Power of Water
I always knew water was good for me, but I never knew how good! This system explains all of the secrets of water, and how it can not only make you healthier, but happier, AND a better golfer! Can't get that from coffee! - A $17 Value!
susan hill
An Exclusive Interview with Susan Hill
Susan Hill has worked with some of the biggest names in golf, and is owner and operator of Fitness for Golf, a life changing golf fitness website. She has worked with world renowed editors from Men's Health magazines, and is literally one of the nicest people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. In this exclusive interview, she reveals answers to some of the most highly sought after fitness questions in golf!
That's Over $350 Worth of Bonuses Alone - But I'm Not Done Yet! Here's the Deal of the Century and Time is Running Out!
You Won't Believe What I Am About to GIVE You.
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Three Months of Free Email Coaching From Me
I really can't believe I'm doing this one. You're really getting a STEAL here. I charge my online students $25 a month for this service. You can email me any golf question, any time within three months after your order and I will answer it. Anything from tee to green, you have a Master Instructor at your disposal! - A $75 Value for FREE
top 10 mental golf mistakes
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Revamp Your Short Game System - Putting, Chipping, Pitching, Bunkers!
Top 10 Mental Mistakes From Peak Sports
This is a super goodie too. Written by world-renowned Sports Psychologist Dr. Patrick Cohn, this report outlines the 10 most common mental mistakes made by athletes. Just by curing these you can literally turn your game around overnight. - A $25 Value art of focus cover
The Art of Focus
Another super spectacular bonus I have for you is Tracy Reed's The Art of Focus. Tracy will turn your thoughts inside out as he takes you inside your own head. You will discover why you get so freaked out all the time and EXACTLY how to fix it. This one really did change the way I think about not only golf, but life! - A $30 Value
top 10 golf fitness
Susan Hill's Top 10 Golf Fitness Exercises
Another absolute GEM from Susan Hill. She teaches you her top 10 golf fitness exercises. These will not only get your back in shape to hit the links, but your life will feel a WHOLE lot better too. Her collection is one of my most valued. - A $20 Value
tap in golf cover
Tap in Golf - A Golfer's Guide to Accupressure
This one is some CRAZY stuff. This guide shows you how to eliminate your first tee jitters just by tapping on a few hidden pressure points on your body. I like to use these tactics when I'm about to make a speech. It's so great having such control! I'll toss this one in too. - A $20 Value
That's another $170 for a Total of.... $520 Worth of Free Bonuses
Originally I sold this entire package for $179, a pretty incredible deal even at that price considering this is more than I ever teach my students, but you know what, not everyone has time for golf lessons, and not everyone can afford to spend money on them. So I am going to let the whole system go for $57.
Jump On This Deal While You Still Can - $179.... $57
I can't believe I'm doing this. That's less than the cost of 1 lesson!
I strongly encourage you to act today. If you come back to this page tomorrow and the low price is gone, it's gone for good.
Click Below to Order the Championship Package Now! - $179.... $57
Believe me this is an incredible deal, but I understand that some people are simply strapped for cash. For this reason I have created The Revamp Your Short Game Professional Edition.
You'll still receive the entire Revamp Your Short Game System, only with a few less bonuses, namely the three months of free email coaching. Ok so that was a lot to take in. Let's recap shall we? Here's What You'll Get With the Championship Package
*Revamp Your Short Game System
*Free Access to Revisions and Updates
*Free Email Support
*CW Specialty Shots
*Free Preview of Golf Efficiency
*Exclusive Interview With Susan Hill
*The Healing Power of Water
*Free Surprise Bonus Worth $1000s
*EXTRA: Three Months of FREE Email Coaching
*EXTRA: Top 10 Golf Fitness Exercises by Susan Hill
*EXTRA: The Art of Focus by Tracy Reed
*EXTRA: Top 10 Mental Mistakes by Dr. Patrick Cohn
*EXTRA: Tap In Golf - Accupressure for Golf
Here's What You'll Get With The Professional Package
revamp your short game cover
Follow Link and Read Full Story On Their Official Website:
Revamp Your Short Game System - Putting, Chipping, Pitching, Bunkers!
*Revamp Your Short Game System
*Free Access to Revisions and Updates
*Free Email Support
*CW Specialty Shots
*Free Preview of Golf Efficiency
*Exclusive Interview With Susan Hill
*The Healing Power of Water
*Free Surprise Bonus Worth $1000s
Either way you go, you're still getting the absolute most in-depth short game system ever. But please choose carefully. You Will Not Be Able to Upgrade. If you pass up benefits of the full package, you'll miss out for good.
My Guarantee To You...
Guaranteed to Lower Your Scores! - 60 Day Money Back Guarantee!!
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Last but not least, if you want your story to appear on this page just like the others you see, just send an email to support@improveshortgame.com. If I choose yours I will pay you $25 and your name will be famous! I want before and after scorecards please! :)
Thanks for reading.
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Revamp Your Short Game System - Putting, Chipping, Pitching, Bunkers!