Get Your Dog To Happily Obey Your Every Command, Wherever And Whenever You Want, Regardless Of Distractions. Understanding Is The Foundation For Obedience Training, And Obedience Training Is The Foundation For Preventing Problems
Dear Dog Lover,
Does your dog behave like an animal?
It's Mother Nature's fault. She simply didn't design puppies to live in our homes, spend hours alone each day, go to the bathroom at specific times, know the difference between a chew toy and a slipper, bark only when "appropriate," and resist their natural urges to chase things, jump up to greet us, dig holes and act like a fun-loving animal!
However, to live happily with us and to be safe in our world, our puppies and dogs absolutely must learn things that are totally unnatural to them.
Even though your dog's playful nature is one of the things you love about him, it can get him into trouble and make you angry if he violates your "rules." The key to a stress-free, loving and fun relationship with your dog is to make sure he follows your rules and obeys your commands. To do this, you must first understand your dog - and he must understand you!
Understanding is the foundation for obedience training, and obedience training is the foundation for preventing problems.
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"My Bubba was driving me crazy! He absolutely would not listen to me or obey my commands. Just taking him for a walk was a struggle, and it was embarrassing to be dragged down the street! I was actually considering finding him a new home when I came across your book. I found out so many things that I had been doing wrong! I trained myself as I trained Bubba, and it worked! Thank you for allowing me to keep my Bubba, who is now a perfect gentleman!"
Sarah Jamison, Belleville, IL
Obedience training is one of the best things you can do for your dog or puppy - and for yourself. Above all else, training requires communication between you and your dog. When you understand each other, you can teach your dog just about anything!
Here's an amazing example: Rico, a nine-year-old Border Collie from Dortmund, Germany, has been trained to understand more than 200 words! According to researchers who studied him, Rico's 'vocabulary size' is comparable to that of language-trained apes, dolphins, sea lions, and parrots.
Can you get the same results with your dog? Probably - if you are willing, like Rico's owners, to spend four-to-five hours per day training and playing with him!
But who has that kind of time these days? And who really needs a dog that can understand 200 words?
What we do need is a dog who is obedient, nondestructive, and an absolute joy to live with!
"We adopted Megan from a rescue outfit. She was about a year old. Because she had been found as a stray, no one knew her history. But we quickly deduced that she had been beaten. The poor gal would tremble, cower and sometimes even urinate whenever someone approached her too quickly or picked up a stick or book. It didn't happen overnight, but with the information from your book and lots of TLC, we got Megan to feel safe and happy around us and the kids."
Monica Hayden, Muncie, IN Follow Link and Read Full Story On Their Official Website: Easy Dog Training Guide!
The good news is that any dog - even those who have been badly reared, mistreated or
ignored by their previous owners - can be trained Obedience training should be fun and rewarding - for you and your dog
Wouldn't it be great if puppies came with instructions? Well, here's the next best thing - consider it an "owner's manual" for your dog! "Training Your Dog" How to Train Your Dog or Puppy
If you own a dog or are thinking of getting one, you need the information in this book. It tells you much more than how to train your dog. It provides proven strategies that show exactly how to make your dog understand what you want him to do.
It explains why dogs and their humans have problems communicating, and then shows exactly what to do to solve this major obstacle to a happy dog-owner relationship. Follow Link and Read Full Story On Their Official Website: Easy Dog Training Guide!
It doesn't matter whether your dog is an aggressive Akita or a timid terrier. This book shows you how, in just minutes a day, you can transform your dog's behavior. The information and techniques apply to all breeds and all ages.
This book will save you time, money and frustration!
Don't bother thinking about hiring a professional dog trainer. By following the advice in this helpful, enlightening and instructional book, you and your dog will come to know much more than those so-called professionals - and your dog will be obeying like crazy!
Learn how to train your dog properly and easily, without wasting time using techniques that don't work.
Follow Link and Read Full Story On Their Official Website: Easy Dog Training Guide!
There's much more to successful obedience training than repeating commands like "sit" and "stay." The best part about the training described in this book is that anyone - and any dog - can do it!
"When I first got Snickers, he had a terribly destructive streak - he would chew up everything in site. I tried putting him in an empty room with nothing to destroy (or so I thought!). He actually chewed a hole through the carpet and pad, even leaving gnaw marks on the wood floor underneath! If I hadn't read your book and discovered how to stop this behavior, I think Snickers would've chewed us out of house and home!"
Jake Collins, Atlanta, GA
Here are just a few of the things you and your dog will learn from "How to Train Your Dog or Puppy":
* How your dog's mind works and why he wants to obey you
* The two critical elements required to establish a strong bond with your puppy
* The importance of letting your dog know who's the boss as soon as you bring him home
* Why the most intelligent dogs are sometimes the hardest to train
* How a dog's temperament affects the type of training that will be most successful
* The 2 critical things you must do before beginning training
* The three key ingredients of a successful training program
* Why you can't train your dog the same way you train your kids
* The single most powerful training aid you have and how to use it
* Why your instinctive and most natural reactions to your dog's behavior will actually make bad situations worse
* How understanding the "pack mentality" will help you train your dog
* The three team concepts that will guarantee the success of your training program
* How to understand your dog's "language"
* Why these three key elements -- respect, cooperation and trust -- are vital to your relationship with your dog
* How to recognize the difference between negative attention and positive attention, and why your dog loves both
* Why simply looking at your dog can reinforce his negative behavior
* The maximum effective length for each training session (you'll be shocked at how short it is!)
* Why you should only train your dog while you're in a good mood
* What to do after the training session is over to greatly enhance its effectiveness
* Why group dog obedience classes are a bad idea
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Fads, gadgets and gimmicks in obedience training come and go. They do sell books, classes and fancy equipment - but they also confuse a lot of dogs and their owners. This book is based on proven, sensible advice, not the latest craze in dog training. It explains a totally reliable method of training that is based on a lifetime of outstanding success.
If you're eager to prevent (or end) problems such as your dog being disobedient, aggressive, destructive, not properly housetrained, etc. - and are ready to work with your dog in the healthiest, quickest, yet safest manner possible - this book is exactly what you need.
You'll See Results the Very First Day!
"I had tried another dog obedience book, and even took Soldier to an obedience class, but neither worked. If I was lucky, I could get him to sit on command, but he wouldn't stay for more than a few seconds. And forget about getting him to heel! Your book showed me why my previous attempts to train Soldier hadn't worked. Once I read it, it seemed so logical! I can't believe the obedience class instructor was so wrong! Your tips made all the difference, and Soldier learned to heel on the first day! I couldn't believe it!"
Rich Franklin, Seattle, WA
"How to Train Your Dog or Puppy goes way beyond the typical dog obedience guide. It helps you and your dog to understand and communicate with each other! Here are some examples of the amazing insights you'll gain from this incredible book:
* Does your dog seem like a dummy, having to be constantly coaxed and cajoled into the right response? This may actually be a sign that your dog is more intelligent than most!
* All dogs are not alike. Each dog - even those of the same breed - has a unique personality. So you can't necessarily expect what works for one dog to work for another.
* A well-trained dog is a happy dog! You would be doing him a disservice by not properly training him. Dogs need and enjoy the stimulation of training.
* Different training techniques work best for different dog personalities: (Eager to please, Laid back and easygoing, Aggressive, Timid and scared of everything)
Follow Link and Read Full Story On Their Official Website: Easy Dog Training Guide!
Slash Your Dog Training Time in Half by Using Techniques That Give You Immediate Results!
The key to training is understanding what motivates your dog's behavior. The truth is, you may be making critical mistakes with your dog and not even know it!
Here are a few more examples of what "How to Train Your Dog or Puppy" includes:
* How to respond when your dog tests your status as "boss"
* The 8 most important rules for disciplining your dog
* The two situations when your dog will never obey, and what you can do to avoid them
* Why training must be a lifelong process for your dog
* One of your most effective training tools - it's a two-letter word
* A description of the pros and cons of popular training tools
* The benefits of crate training your dog, and why he'll actually enjoy being "cooped up"
* The ideal leash length for training
* Why behavior problems develop, and how to avoid them
* The most dangerous behavior problem, and how to control it
* Powerful strategies for curing your dog's aggressiveness
* When ignoring your dog is actually a good thing
* How to stop your dog from jumping up on people
* The best techniques for house-breaking your puppy
* The common problem that can cause destruction, howling, whining, depression and stress - and how to avoid it
* How to get your dog to obey your commands, even when it can't hear you
* The secret of "timing" that will make your training sessions much more effective
* In every little dog there is a big dog trying to get out
And, of course, "How to Train Your Dog or Puppy" includes step-by-step instructions on the best ways to teach your dog to heel, stay, come, sit, lie down, fetch/retrieve, shake hands, jump over obstacles, turn left and right, and much more. Get your copy now, and start a wonderful new partnership with your dog today.
Don't Pick Out a New Puppy Until You Read This Book
For those of you who are considering bringing a new dog into your home, "How to Train Your Dog or Puppy" offers some very useful tips - the most valuable of which is to examine your reasons for getting a dog before you decide which kind to get. Here are some other things you might want to consider. All are explained in the book:
* Which are easier to train, male or female dogs?
* Although all dogs can be trained, there are dogs with certain personalities that make them the easier to train
* When picking out a dog, in addition to temperament, you should consider age, sex, size, breed, and life expectancy of the dog
* Consider how and where you will house and exercise your dog
* Anticipate the expenses of owning a dog (not just the initial purchase, but a lifetime of feeding, veterinary care, etc.)
* Realize that puppies can require a lot more time and effort than an older dog that has already received some training
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"I'm so glad I read your book before getting a puppy from the pet store! I'm sure we would've just picked out the cutest dog for my daughter without considering anything about the breed, gender or temperament. The pup we did pick out has been easy to train and care for, thanks to your tips."
Ann Lowenstein, Laramie, WY
The time to begin training is right now
Don't Delay. The right time to begin training your dog is now! After all, you, your dog, and your dog's behavior are constantly changing. A dog that is well-behaved today may not be well-behaved tomorrow. New problems sometimes develop. Existing problems sometimes get worse. Take action now to have a happier, healthier and much-less-frustrating dog!
There is a huge amount of information contained in "How to Train Your Dog or Puppy" -- information that will change the lives of you and your dog! If you were to pay a professional dog trainer, you could spend hundreds of dollars and still not get the results you're looking for.
But now this amazing book can be yours - for a limited time only - for only...
That's probably less than what you'll spend during your next shopping spree at your favorite pet store! Please note that this price is a special introductory because this is a new product. The price may go up without notice.
The best part is, this is a digital book -- a product that you can quickly and easily download to your computer. You and your dog can start using "Hot to Train Your Dog or Puppy" within 5 minutes! Don't delay, order this remarkable book now!
How to Train Your Dog or Puppy Special Price Save $30.00 / Not $59.95

That's right! You and your dog can take two full months to examine and try the information, tips and techniques described in this book! You'll both be happy to discover how much fun it is to use the tips in this book, and how immediately effective the techniques are! But if you are not satisfied for any reason, you'll get a full refund, no questions asked.
P.P.S. - Think about how happy you and your dog will be when he eagerly obeys your commands and behaves himself even when you're not home! It is possible, and it's easier than you think! You owe it to yourself, your family - and most of all to that lovable four-legged friend who shares your life. Order "How to Train Your Dog or Puppy" now.
Follow Link and Read Full Story On Their Official Website: Easy Dog Training Guide!
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