At Last!!! A Book That Will Help You Unlock The Secrets To Having The Amazing Bulbs You’ve Always Wanted But Could Never Manage To Grow…And Be The Envy Of All Your Friends And Neighbors.
Dear Fellow Bulb lovers,
Are you frustrated with your bulbs not reaching their full potential?
Are your bulbs suffering from bulb rot or grey mold? Or are they only lasting one year?
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Are you sick of planting bulbs and not getting the results you want, wasting time, money and ending up with empty patches in your garden?
………Don’t fret, WE CAN HELP
We’ve got the answers on how to grow stunning, healthy bulbs year after year.
Our book includes:
Where and when to plant your bulbs for the best results. Did you know that some varieties prefer shady areas while others will thrive when planted in full sun?
What varieties will grow best in your area of the world. Work out what zone you live in with our detailed zone maps and make sure you are planting the correct bulbs for your zone to have the greatest success.
How to lift and store your bulbs at the end of a season to make sure you don’t damage them in the process, so they can be used year after year.
When you should cut off the leaves? Discover what the experts say…
The best way to grow bulbs in pots. Don’t be limited if you don’t have a garden – you can still grow stunning bulbs to enjoy indoors or on your balcony.
How to divide and replant your bulbs as they start to multiply to get more value for your money and a bigger crop.
How to grow edible bulbs such as onions, garlic and leeks. Think of how satisfying it will be to grow your own supply of edible bulbs and never have to buy them again. By growing your own you know exactly what is in them and that they are 100% safe to eat.
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The different varieties of edible bulbs available so you can try an assortment of flavour and are not limited by what ends up on supermarket shelves or grocery store. How exciting will it be to be able to experiment with different tastes in your home cooked meals.
Why your bulbs die before they flower and what you should do about to prevent this frustrating occurrence.
What to do when your bulbs haven’t flowered for 2 years.
How to make them re-flower year after year so you can get the most out of your bulbs.
What to do if your bulbs start shooting too early – should you plant them or not – mistakes that can be easily avoided and save you time and money.
How to prevent bulb rot. Learn how to make sure that you avoid this common problem by following simple instructions.
Why your bulbs may be producing small, stunted or misshapen flowers and what you can do about it.
Whether you should stake all varieties of bulbs, and if so when this is appropriate. Discover the correct way to do this so you don’t damage your flowers.
Tips from the experts such as how to get bulbs to bloom in the fall.
Attract hummingbirds – a special bonus tip.
What to do about thrips – how to identify and control them. We teach you how to give your bulbs a disinfectant treatment to get rid of these pests and save them being infested.
How to make a slug trap to protect your precious flowers once they start to bloom.
About biological control – nature’s way of controlling bugs with other bugs, reducing the need for pesticides and chemicals.
What to do if your bulbs get gray mold and how you can save them.
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What to do if you start seeing red spots on your daffodils – it could be red blotch disease – Find out why you must act quickly if your bulbs show any signs of this disease.
New and exciting varieties to try in each family of bulbs – Have you tried the Dancing Queen or King Alfred varieties? Get some great ideas and inspiration to make your garden really bloom.
This book is illustrated with bright colorful photos which show
how gorgeous bulbs can look in full bloom, as well as shots of diseases
and pests to help you identify what may be going wrong in your garden.
Dedicating a whole chapter to each one of your favourite bulbs, giving you a thorough understanding of what is required to make each one bloom magnificently year after year.
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I found the section on diseases particularly helpful as I have been struggling with red blotch disease with my daffodils and your tips helped greatly. I must say that I found the book an interesting read and very informative. I have even been inspired to try some new varieties out! Thanks for putting such an easy to read guide-book together.
Michael Henning Copenhagen, Denmark
* The book is divided into 13 information packed chapters to give you all you need to know to become an expert at growing bulbs
* The introduction contains general cultivation instructions, so you can get started on your plants immediately.
* Each chapter then provides detailed advice about each bulb variety. This gives you a complete guide on how to successfully grow a particular type of bulb, covering every aspect, including tips from the experts, to ensure you know everything you need to know…and lots more. With 68 pages filled with helpful information, as well as a troubleshooting section which answers common problems, and a detailed chapter on diseases and pests, you will feel confident that you will be able to tackle your bulb planting like a true professional.
* There is no other comprehensive site on the internet which has all the information on bulbs like ours.
I was having a difficult time trying to grow tulips and getting them to look as big and healthy as I saw them look in pictures. You have helped greatly with your detailed advice. I am now very proud of my tulips…
Nicole Jackson… Adelaide, Australia
I am really happy I found your book as I was having lots of problems growing my bulbs in pots, which I have now learned was due to over crowding and over watering. Thanks for the great tips and advice. I found your book really helpful.
Julie Lefevre, Montreal Canada
Make no mistake, this is the most comprehensive book on bulbs on the net. No other site offers information on such a wide variety of bulbs and provides you with all the tips and tricks you need to be able to grow magnificient bulbs year after year, without fail, in one easy to use book. “How To Grow Bulbs” makes planting and growing the bulbs you choose foolproof.
“How To Grow Bulbs” comes in a convenient e-book which means that you don’t have to leave your home to be able to access all this wonderful information, you can get it at the click of your mouse. Begin growing the bulbs you want immediately and take advantage of all the tips and secrets now. Buying an e-book means
* No shipping costs
* No wait times or relying on the postal service
* Never having to receive damaged or lost goods
This book comes in PDF format, which means it can be accessed by both Macs and PC’s, without formatting errors.
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Very soon you'll be on your way to having the most stunning bulbs you've ever grown!
Just Think…in a few clicks you could be growing your own flowers from bulbs and feel the incredible satisfaction that this brings. Each spring your garden could be blooming with a colorful array bursting from the winter ground and you’ll never have to put up with the disappointment of not having your flowers look as awe inspiring as you hoped.
Remember, this book should retail at $69.99, but by ordering over the internet as an e-book you will only pay $27.97
So what are you waiting for??? Order now and you get:
* This magnificent e-book at $27.97 not $69.99
* All the bulb growing secrets to a wonderful gardern delivered instantly
* 100% no questions asked, money back guarantee if you are not satisfied within 60 days.
Imagine having your own on call gardening expert in your home whenever you need advice on any of the bulbs you are growing….
We look forward to hearing from you with success stories of how this book helped you achieve your dream bulb garden, with minimal fuss and step-by-step instructions. So please write to us with your comments and thoughts about the book.
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