From the Desk of Jago Holmes CPT
Dear friend and future marathon runner
If you've always wanted to run a marathon, but thought you were too out of shape to even get started! Or perhaps you even started a marathon training program, full of enthusiasm and optimism only to be shot down in flames as soon as you picked up your first niggle or injury.
Or maybe life just got in the way...work, family and friends, they all need a cut of your time. All too often your own health and fitness is put to the back of your mind and with it your dreams and ambitions.
98% Of People That Follow A Marathon Training Program Never Get Past Week 2...
Never See Any Significant Improvements In Their Fitness And End Up Giving Up Too Soon... Leaving Them Feeling Frustrated And Disappointed In Their Efforts...
And I am going to tell you exactly why... Oh sure, you'll usually see some improvements at the beginning of your training. Follow Link and Read Full Story On Their Official Website: Marathon Training For Beginners!
Everyone does! But no doubt you've also discovered the harsh truth that reaches out and hits you...
...these improvements are only temporary as your body brings any progress you are making to a sharp halt shortly in to your training!
This is where many so called 'experts' will tell you to train harder, more often or run further to break through your plateaus. But ultimately your running progress reaches a complete standstill and you're left with another unfulfilled goal.
How do I know this?
I know this from experience, from the findings I have had from many of my clients who have tried to beat this on their own and in desperation either given up completely or come to me for help... Who Am I And Why Should You Listen To Me?
Jago Holmes, author of 'The Baby Belly Fat Loss Plan'
My name is Jago Holmes, CPT, and I am a fully qualified and experienced personal trainer who has worked with hundreds of runners over the last 10 years.
Follow Link and Read Full Story On Their Official Website: Marathon Training For Beginners!
I have personally helped many of these people to work through their marathon training program and on to their final and ultimate goal of entering and completing their first ever marathons.
To help them, I have developed a safe and effective system specifically for beginners who have always wanted to run a marathon but haven't got the knowledge or motivation to do it on their own.
It Has Taken Me Over 6 Months To Create, Hone And Perfect This MARATHON TRAINING Program...
I Have Learned From My Client’s Successes And Their Failures, So That You Don’t Have To...You Can Make Full Use Of My Years of Experience...
It has all been done for you... Unlike any other marathon training program you can buy online, I don't use myself as the only example or base my whole system on something that has only worked for me...
Instead I draw on the huge amount of hands on experience I have amassed with the thousands of wonderful clients I have been privileged to work with over the last 10 years.
Many of these clients having been frustrated at their lack of progress until they came to me for help. You see running a marathon isn't something to be taken lightly!
You need to take your training seriously. Using a haphazard training approach simply won't cut it!
Running a marathon isn't something that just anyone can do without any forthought, planning or effort, even if you consider yourself to be fit!
It's a huge, huge challenge and a massive achievement for those who have the dedication, strength and the determination (not to mention the right marathon training program to follow). The unfortunate truth about preparing to run a marathon is...
Marathon Training Is Fraught With Potential Hazards...From Doing Too Much And Suffering From Injuries, Fatigue And Sickness To Not Doing Enough And Seeing No Improvements In Your Fitness Levels At All! Follow Link and Read Full Story On Their Official Website: Marathon Training For Beginners!
All Ending The Same Sad Way...FAILURE!
Unfortunately the sad truth is that most people that do decide to start a marathon training program don't arm themselves with the facts about what it takes to accomplish their goal or indeed how to go about preparing for it!
*If you don't even understand the basics of how your body responds to exercise or know the specific phases of training that are vital to getting anywhere near running a marathon...you are are setting yourself up for a big fall!
*Without the right marathon training program, niggling injuries and joint problems will be a constant problem for you, leading you to quit before you've even got started!
*Most people start their marathon training like a dog out of the traps...desperately trying to do too much too soon in an attempt to progress faster than physically possible. But be warned, your body will shut down, your enthusiasm will dwindle, you'll feel tired and run down and all those wonderful dreams of running a marathon will be gone forever!
*For many, the fear of failure stops them dead in their tracks, in fact most people won't ever commit to ANYTHING new for fear of not being able to do it...or worse still...coming last!
*Running a marathon isn't something you can approach lightly, you need a basic level of fitness before you can even begin your marathon training, without it you just won't be able to last the pace!
*Having the time to train for a marathon is often one of the biggest barriers for most people...running mile after mile, hour after hour just doesn't seem feasible at first.
"My initial aim was to just improve my fitness. Twelve weeks later my fitness had improved past any of my expectations and I completed my first half marathon with ease.
I have lost weight, toned up and learnt so much regarding exercise and diet...the fitter I have become, the fitter I want to be and the more I enjoy setting myself goals and achieving them." Follow Link and Read Full Story On Their Official Website: Marathon Training For Beginners!
Jennifer - West Yorkshire
Surely If You Are Going To Train For A Marathon It Makes Sense To Just Get Out And Run...A Lot?
Wrong, If You Are Ever Going To Succeed At This Task, You At Least Need A Basic Understanding Of The Theory Behind Marathon Training!
Ok, I admit it, for some feats of athleticism such as walking up a mountain or running a shorter race such as a 5k you could probably muddle through without much of a training program or a plan...but marathon training is completely different...
*If you walk straight in to a marathon training program without any knowledge of how your body changes throughout the course of your preparation, you will never achieve your goal!
*Marathon running is an extreme endurance event and because of this you need specialist knowledge and a real understanding of exactly what you are trying to achieve in your training and why!
*If you never fully understand your own running technique and don't buy footwear suited to your particular style, you will be permanently placing your joints in an unnatural position, almost certainly risking long term injury!
*The types of food you eat and the timing of these meals will also have a huge bearing on the success you experience, it's like building a house out of straw compared to one out of bricks and mortar. The fuel you provide your body with has a big impact on its ability to perform the way you want it to.
*Unless you fully understand the basic principles of exercise progression and adaptation you will be unable to constantly improve, stagnation will set in and with it dissapointment and failure!
*There are certain signs that you need to look out for which will tell you if you should be moving forward with your marathon training or easing off. Without knowing these signs or understanding what they mean, you leave your success down to chance instead of good management!
Follow Link and Read Full Story On Their Official Website: Marathon Training For Beginners!
Successfully Following A Good Marathon Training Program Can Be One Of The Most Rewarding Things You Ever Do In Your Entire Life, With The Euphoric Feelings Of Accomplishment Ready To Greet You Every Step Of The Way...
Unfortunately Your Body Doesn't Quite See It Like That And Without The Right Type Of Training, Injury Lurks Like A Stalker Behind Every Corner...
If you begin your marathon training program with poor running technique, you could very well place a huge amount of repetitive stress on your ankles, knees, hips and back and be crippled with pain in just a couple of weeks.
*Runners that do too much marathon training notoriously pick up injury after injury, finally recovering from one only to uncover another in a completely different place.
*Simply running endless miles without any variation places too much stress on the body and it will rebel by shutting itself down, leaving you feeling tired and run down, with no energy left over for even the simple everyday tasks.
*If your training isn't right, you risk suffering from shin splints which are a constant plague amongst runners, the sharp shooting pain and tightening of the muscles down the front of the shins is guaranteed to bring your training to a dead stop!
*If you've ever tried to run or walk any amount of distance before, you will know all about suffering from blisters, such a simple problem can cause huge amounts of pain and discomfort, leaving you hobbling around for days, and setting your training back weeks!
*It's no secret that one of the most common injuries amongst long term runners is to the knees. I've seen men and women in their 50's crippled and hobbling around using walking sticks who simply ran too much because they were guided by their passion and love of the sport and simply didn't know the damage they were causing themselves by not following a well structured and balanced marathon training program.
So How Do You Know When You Are Doing Too Much, And When Is Doing Too Little Going To Set Your Marathon Training Program Back For Weeks If Not Months? Follow Link and Read Full Story On Their Official Website: Marathon Training For Beginners!
Ok after weeks of procrastination, you've finally set yourself the target of running your first ever marathon. You're motivated, committed and focussed on achieving your goal and you prepare to set out on your first weeks of running...
Unfortunately you may not even make it past week 2, the truth is that only a few will ever go on to accomplish their goal of running a marathon.
So why is this?
*When you are first getting started it is tempting to try and do too much too soon. If you begin your training flat out, giving it your all from day one, you'll probably not last the week out.
*Training too hard can be one of the most frustrating and sole destroying things you ever do. You want to get fitter, to be able to run further, but you push yourself too hard and end up in an overtrained state...tired, sore and fed up!
*But often beginners don't do enough, not increasing their distances or pushing themselves out of their comfort zone at all. As a result they never see any sort of progress or changes in their fitness. Because of this they quickly lose interest and move on to something else less challenging!
*The fact of the matter is without a good marathon training program you just won't get it right, you'll either do too much and end up injured and run down or you won't do enough and never see any changes...26.2 miles can seem like a huge barrier to get around when you haven't even managed to run a few miles!
The Truth Is Everyone Dreams About Doing Something...
What Sets Us Apart Is That Only A Select Few Will Go Out And Achieve Those Dreams Without The Fear Of Failure Or Disappointment Holding Them Back!
If you've always wanted to run a marathon but never taken it any further, take solace in the fact that you are not alone...
*One of the biggest reasons why most people don't start marathon training is the fear of failure, the fear of not being able do it.
*Another of the most common concerns that runners have is 'will I be last?' the thought of trudging over the finishing line with no one in sight either behind or in front of them fills them with a cold dread.
*One thought that races through the minds of those contemplating running a marathon is about starting and not being able to finish. The shame and embarrassment of having to give up half way round often feels almost too much to bear and a convenient reason for not giving it a try in the first place!
*Don't let yet another dream or lifetime goal slip away from your grasp, just for the fear of not being able to it or to do it well...doing this will only leave you feeling worthless and unfulfilled as you move on in search of another dream you will never achieve!
Follow Link and Read Full Story On Their Official Website: Marathon Training For Beginners!
"Twelve weeks ago I was a couch potato, middle age spread, unfit and overweight.
My aim was to just improve my knowledge about diet and fitness. (I could run about 100 metres without stopping!).
I have lost over a stone in weight and can run four miles in a session and am increasing my distance and speed weekly.
I have entered 'The Great North Run' in September, running from 100 metres to 13 miles in six months I could not have dreamt of this twelve weeks ago. My improved diet and fitness have become a way of life.
At the end of the day it is down to the individual who has to do the hard work. When you are out training in the wind and rain, it is very easy to cut a session short by a couple of minutes, not a good idea.
I will always be grateful to Jago to help me through this lifestyle change. It is now up to me to keep it up."
John - Halifax
"I have been amazed at how quickly my fitness has improved over the last eleven weeks - not with standing colds and pulled muscles!! I would never have believed at the start of the programme that I would be capable of going out pounding the streets - I would have presumed that this was a completely unfeasible and unrealistic expectation. "
Elaine - Ripponden
Was The Empire State Building Thrown Together Or Made Up Along The Way, What About Your Own House Or Car, Were They Just Fiddled With And Put Together Without Any Planning Or Forethought...I DOUBT IT!!
Everything that has ever been achieved in life has been planned and designed carefully with the end goal in mind.
Running a marathon and following a good marathon training program is no different...
*Without the right preparation for marathon training beforehand, your body simply won't be able to cope with the stresses running a marathon puts you under and you will be forced to give up.
*Most people follow a marathon training program that starts from too high a level and don't consider the fact that you absolutely need a basic level of fitness before you can safely start to increase your distances.
*Planning is one of the most underestimated processes in the world, not only taking the time to plan what you want to achieve, but also writing it down and breaking it in to smaller bitesize chunks. Doing this will give you a huge feeling of success and accomplishment each time you reach a goal.
*Fail to plan and you plan to fail' is one of the most popular sayings in the business world. This also relates very closely to marathon training. So few runners do this and end up feeling deflated and that they are underachieving when in reality a detailed marathon training program would have shown them exactly how they were progressing.
*One of the biggest reasons frustrated runners fail is simply due to a lack of planning around potential problems. A family event, working late, meetings, you name it, there is always something stopping their training, but proper planning could have avoided this very easily!
For Many Of Us Our Days Are Hectic and Busy, We Often Only Just Have Enough Time To Do The Essential Things In Life, So How On Earth Is It Possible To Find The Time For Marathon Training? Follow Link and Read Full Story On Their Official Website: Marathon Training For Beginners!
To many this will seem like an impossible barrier to overcome. Where can the extra hours be claimed from, how can the time needed be found...
Won't running mile after mile, day after day be a huge time commitment for yourself and affect everyone else around you?
*If you are currently or have ever considered the challenge of running a marathon, but decided against it because you think it will take over your life, you are not alone, many disregard running a marathon for these very same reasons.
*Many people shy away from commiting to following a marathon training program because they are worried about having to sacrifice other areas of their lives, like seeing friends, socialising or drinking, marathon training seems like too much of a commitment.
*Would you want to commit to something that takes up so much time, only weeks down the line to discover that you just simply can't continue?
Your Body Just Doesn't Want To Run For 26.2 Miles In One Go!
Why would it, it certainly doesn't need to do it in order to survive!
That's right! In fact your body won't be able to cope physically with the incredible stress you will be placing it under if you don't approach this in EXACTLY the right way...you could even be risking serious long term injury if you don't adhere to my advice.
To stop you from achieving your goals your body will shut itself down and conserve its fat stores to use as energy in a crisis, so if your idea is get in to great shape by running a marathon, without following a well balanced marathon training program, you may well end up being extremely disappointed.
Your immune system will not be able to cope, leaving you susceptible to any bugs going and fatigued and overtrained with about as much drive and motivation as a sunbathing walrus.
You may of heard the phrase 'genetic limits' and this is what makes some people seemingly breeze through their marathon training program whilst others appear to simply fall at the first post. Follow Link and Read Full Story On Their Official Website: Marathon Training For Beginners!
But Now For the Good News...
You DON'T Have To Live With Your "Genetic Limitations" Or Your Body's Inability To Naturally Run A Marathon, Because I Can Help You To Achieve Your Goals As A Complete Beginner, No Matter What You Have Been Told...
And It All Starts With This One Simple Strategy!
Ok...ready? Here it is...
In order for you to safely and effectively condition your body so it is capable of undergoing the stress of marathon training and running 26.2 miles without stopping, you need to follow a set pattern of training.
You simply can't set out one day and decide to do it. It takes planning and preparation and a solid basic level of fitness, which you absolutely must have in order to take your progress on to the next level of marathon training.
You see, I have spent years learning and developing this system on my own clients. Clients that were frustrated with their lack of progress before they came to me.
There is one simple strategy that almost guarantees that you will reach your goals, that most people just don't use, and because of this never manage to complete their marathon training program successfully!
A strategy that ensures you will make steady, consistent and regular progress towards your destination, without suffering the effects of over training, injury and fatigue!
Something that is so easy to do and rewarding to accomplish and that almost guarantees success!
So What Is This Magic Bullet, This Secret Formula...The Solution?
Simple, it's this...
Give a man a bucket of water and he will drink for a week, give him the tools and knowledge to dig a well and he will drink for years. But in order for you to accomplish this you absolutely must provide the knowledge but also a proven system to follow that allows him to apply this knowledge to produce the end result. In your case...running a marathon!
Follow Link and Read Full Story On Their Official Website: Marathon Training For Beginners!
I will teach you everything you need to know so that you develop an understanding of EXACTLY how your own body changes and adapts through exercise. By following a well balanced, proven and effective 4 stage marathon training program, you almost guarantee your own success.
But wait, it's not quite as easy as that. You see NOT every marathon training program is created equal.
You are not alone! 99.9% of these generic marathon training programs simply DON'T WORK, they just can't, they are too simplistic and don't teach you anything.
For starters an effective plan needs to educate the reader and include 4 specific phases. With each phase being completed before moving on to the next.
Following this approach is absolutely vital in getting you up to a good level of fitness so that you are physically capable and strong enough to move on to more specific marathon training, which is where the real expertise comes in!

Follow Link and Read Full Story On Their Official Website: Marathon Training For Beginners!
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