WARNING: If you're tired of the bad economy, rising food & energy costs, and want to live a more free and sustainable life... what you're about to read will be life-changing information... read on..
"Discover How You Can Eliminate Your
Fresh Food Bills, Avoid Food Cost Inflation, And Have Your Very Own Fresh Food Supply - 24/7 Without Working A Farm or Being a Quaker... "
WARNING: If you're tired of the bad economy, rising food & energy costs, and want to live a more free and sustainable life... what you're about to read will be life-changing information... read on...
"Discover How You Can Eliminate Your
Fresh Food Bills, Avoid Food Cost Inflation, And Have Your Very Own Fresh Food Supply - 24/7 Without Working A Farm or Being a Quaker... "
This Amazing Break-Through System Grows You
100s of Pounds of Fresh Organic Vegetables & Fish, 24 Hours Per Day, 7 Days a Week, 365 Days a Year
It's Cheap, Easy, And Anyone Can Do It!
From the desk of:
John Fay, Co-Founder AquaponicSolutions.com
Dear Friend,
Imagine for a moment, that you had a "magic" device which automatically supplied you and your family with hundreds of pounds of free organic vegetables such as beautiful ripe tomatoes, lettuce, and even fresh fish...
While others drive to the grocery store to get their fresh fruit and vegetables, you could simply walk out to your amazing home system and always have food waiting for you every morning.
It sounds like a dream ...however... you might be shocked to find that these types of home systems already exist, many people are doing it, and you can too, starting today.
If you care about your family during this uncertain economic time... or if you just want to make your life easier, and live more independently, this will be one of the most important letters you read in the next 10 years, here's why:
By Controlling Your Food Supply,
You Are Freeing Yourself From The
Economy Trap - And Towards Freedom!
The Ultimate Aquaponics Home System
Click Here To Read The Full Story And Discover How You Can Eliminate Your Fresh Food Bills!
During this uncertain time, a lot of people are talking about self sustainability. Inflation is starting to squeeze many people's life-styles, and already everyone's talking about food-shortages and even more rapid inflation
The big question is "How do you get 'off' the system and become independent?"
Independent of the mega marts that have monopolized our food supply, the power plants that 'own' our electricity, the banks which own our homes, the oil companies that control how we travel.
All these things just get more and more expensive and more corrupt...
However it all boils down to food.
This is the biggest challenge when it comes to self sustainability. When you think about it... you can find ways to save on power... on transport... but how do you live without food? You can't... and we're all trapped by 'the system' by which we get our food, and there's nothing we can do about it... or is there?
What you're about to discover is how you CAN take your power back... and be mostly un-touched by rising food prices. In fact, you'll discover how you can actually make money and grow your home's value by using this amazing system.
4,600 Pounds of Food Month, With 1/10th The Space... The Food Revolution Begins!
On a recent visit to Hawaii, I discovered one family on the North side of the main Island of Hawaii already applying this method and, to say the least, it has transformed their lives.
They started with just a small 400 sq foot system in their yard, which produced enough food for their family alone.
Now, using this method their system grows over 4,000 lbs of organic vegetables per month... and produces 600 lbs of fresh fish per month, with only about 3,260 square feet of space. That's just about the size of a well sized yard!
They are producing so much food, they recently got USDA Organic Certification and have started to sell their produce to local markets.
Grow your own vegetables and take back your right to your own food supply!
After seeing the results they made an even larger system....
Now, if you've read this far, and you've grown plants before, you might think this sounds like science-fiction. Wait till you hear this:
It's Almost Completely Automated!
When you think about your own food supply... the first thing people think of is owning their farm or growing their own food in the soil...
However, farming and gardening is hard work! It's not just a "quick fix", it requires hours of weeding, composting, soil cultivation, plant pruning, every-day; it's an entire life-style change, and it's not for everyone.
The home system you're about to discover turns this totally up-side down
For example: This one family in Hawaii spends only about 5 to 10 minutes per day to maintain the system.
Just to compare... a normal farm that produces 4,000 lbs of vegetables per month would need about 3-4 hours of man-labor per day, at minimum!
The only effort involved is in this system is setting it up initially, and then, it runs as if on auto-pilot.
All this sounds to good to be true at first... However, the more you look at it, the more you realize that it's actually the result of the what happens when you build something in balance with nature.
Let me tell you exactly just how all this works... it's easy, and you don't need to know anything about gardening or farming to get started.
Break-Through in Organic Plant Nutrition
Leads To Shocking Results...
In the past several years, researchers from the University of the Virgin Islands have discovered and experimented with a break-through new way of growing plants organically.
The process is revolutionary because with it your plants grow 100% to 50% faster, and you can grow up to TEN times the plants in the same amount of space.
How does it work? Basically, it turns normal gardening on organic super-drive as it feeds rich ALIVE natural nutrients to your plants 24 hours per day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
AND... as a "side-effect", you also get fresh fish which you can eat or sell as well.
In 2006-2007, the 'secret' slowly started to leak out and people started catching on... converting gardens and entire commercial farms to the system.
So what exactly is the 'secret' that makes all this happen?
The system produces delicious fish, as well as vegetables!
It's About Giving The Plants
What They Really Need...
The secret to life is food... and plants need nutrition just like we do. The secret to growing amazing food fast is to get the RIGHT food to plants in the most direct way.
So imagine for a moment that you had the ability to connect to a plant's roots...its life support system... and give it EVERYTHING it needs, 24/7/365 days a year. All the rich and alive nutrients, minerals and vitamins.
If you could do this... your plants would thrive like never before. This is what agriculture has strived to do since the beginning. However, up until now, it's been pretty much impossible.
In an attempt to try to do this in the past, 'Hydroponics' was invented. It's a way of growing plants with their roots directly in water, the idea is that you can feed plants more directly with plant food being introduced directly to the roots, without soil.
The Ultimate Aquaponics Home System
Click Here To Read The Full Story And Discover How You Can Eliminate Your Fresh Food Bills!
Instead of growing plants in the soil, you grow them in "grow beds" which are just tanks of water.
To sum it up... it doesn't really work. Yes, plants grow big fruit, but... it all tastes like water! It just doesn't produce REAL nutrients for the plants.
Plus, it's still a lot of work, you spend more money on plant food than you could imagine!
The University experimented with a solution to this problem... it was a huge success... and if you do it, it will change your life just as it has for many others.
What the University found was something amazing... There IS a way to get everything your plants need... directly to the roots... it's free... and nature will do it FOR you....
They Tapped Into The Power of Nature
And the Plants Are Loving It!
The idea was so simple it's mind-boggling... It's about balance with nature, which is automatic, for example:
1. Trees provide us with Oxygen to breathe...
2. We breathe out Carbon-Dioxide, and...
3. In turn the trees breathe the Carbon-Dioxide... and breathe out Oxygen back for us.
It's automatic... we don't have to think about where and how we're getting our oxygen... it just happens.
Well, what if you could do the same thing for plants? So their food supply is automated. You can, with AQUA-PONICS. It is the combination of hydro-ponics with aqua-culture.
Aqua-Culture is the process of growing fish in a tank... and it has one big problem... Fish produce Ammonia, and all kinds of other by-products that need to be constantly filtered.
This is where the magic of aqua-ponics comes in!...
What the University found is that by introducing certain bio-organisms into the water, the ammonia is converted into Nitrates ...which is what plants need most to thrive!
This is the equivalent of turning normal 'gardening' on super-drive. The best part is, it's all automated.
The basic idea is if you connect the fish-tank to the water of the hydroponics system... and do the right things to the water... your plants get an automatic food supply of almost everything they need to grow... and in turn... the plants filter the water for the fish.
It's a win/win/win situation for everyone:
1. The plants get rich alive nutrients around the clock.
2. The fish are happy as their water is filtered by nature every day.
3. You get healthier plants(a lot more of them), and A LOT of benefits...
This way, your plants exist in a natural balanced relationship with the fish, which makes them grow faster and healthier.
A Simple Automated System That
Gives You Fresh Vegetables and Fish
It's as simple as having a fish tank. Except you never have to clean it, because the plants are doing it for you... and, this fish tank is giving you 100s of pounds of amazing organic vegetables per month!
Plus, you also get more and more fresh fish from the system, every month!
Aquaponics grows fresh fish as well as vegetables
It's not really necessary to understand the science of how it works... what's important is that this is easy and fun to do... even kids can look after the system.
The Ultimate Aquaponics Home System
Click Here To Read The Full Story And Discover How You Can Eliminate Your Fresh Food Bills!
How Much Space Do You Need?
You can do this with no matter how much space you have. You can do it in your yard, or even in the garage if you had to... the best part is, this system produces up to ten times more plants than normal gardening because of how much closer plants can be planted, and because of how much faster they grow.
You can make small home system and it will still make a significant impact on your life and your wallet.
It's Easy and You Can Do It Too!
If you've read this far, then you're maybe starting to imagine or are getting excited about aqua-ponics!
You'll find everything you need to know to build your own system in this special eBook, which you can download right now and get instant access to.
Here's what you'll find in-side the eBook... and the many benefits you'll enjoy with Aquaponics:
Step-by-Step Instructions! Start Yours Today!
Inside the eBook you'll find everything you need to make your own aquaponics system, including diagrams, explanations and instructions, every-thing is step-by-step, anyone can do this.
With the price-less advice inside you'll avoid some of the few common mistakes, and be on your way to starting your system today! Click here to order your manual today.
Critical Know-How To Make It Work
Inside the eBook you'll find out exactly how to get the system to convert the Ammonia into Nitrates - this is crucial to your success, otherwise, the system won't work.
Multiple Sources of Income
When you try the aquaponics system yourself, you'll have more plants than you'll know what to do with.
If you decide to sell your vegetables ...guess what... you also have fish to sell or eat! The aquaponics system produces both plants and fish (you'll learn all the details on this inside the e-book)
Amazing Organic Plants! USDA Organic Certifiable
Aquaponically grown produce tastes incredible, and it's organic! Some commercial aquaponic farms have already gotten USDA Organic certification.
Your Food Grows FAST!
Normally, you have to wait months to actually eat your food. This is not the case with Aquaponics!
Because your plants are getting rich alive nutrients from the fish, right at the root level, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week... plants thrive like never before.
You won't believe your eyes at how fast plants grow, and how great the fruit tastes!
Inside the eBook you'll learn all the critical pieces to make sure the roots are getting all the right nutrients from the aquaculture process.
If you have gardened before, you may definitely appreciate the many other benefits you'll get when you set up your Aquaponics system:
Uses 60%-70% Less Energy
You save money and time with this system. The only energy involved in an aquaponic farm is electric energy to circulate water. Almost all your gardening expenses are minimized or diminished.
No More Weeding or Soil Work!
Imagine no more weeding or fussing with soil, no more fertilizer or compost work. All this hard work is removed and automated by the nutrient delivery system. This is worth gold by itself!
No More Back-Straining Planting!
Planting normally takes a lot of bending, not with Aquaponics. You'll find out exactly how to plant your seedlings in the aquaponic floats, and how to make sure the roots get all the nutrients.
No More Watering!
The aquaponics system uses only 2% of the water normal gardening does... Because the water is constantly re-circulated, and you do not lose any to soil absorption. The roots of your plants are constantly submerged in nutrient rich water and you never have to worry about watering plants again.
If you pay for your water... imagine of how much money this can possible save you.
Get Started Today
It doesn't matter what you grow, whether you're an experienced green-thumb or if you're just getting into it, anyone can do this, it's easy, you can do it too!
Countless homes are now getting in on the Aquaponics movement, the benefits are just too many! In fact, if you care about your garden, and your family, you cannot afford not to set up your first Aquaponics system as soon as possible.
Don't wait until your neighbor is putting one together and you're playing catch up!
What To Do Now
The fastest way to get started is to grab the Ultimate Aquaponics Home System e-Guide right now. Inside this powerful guide you'll find everything you need to know to start your first Aquaponics system, step-by-step.
Click Image For Full Story!

The e-Book guide comes jam-packed with all the step-by-step instructions, secrets and common mistakes. Just moments from now you will be on your way to up to ten times the plants, growing amazing organic produce faster, healthier, without weeding or messing around with soil fertilizers ever again.
This advice is certainly worth it's weight in gold. Today, you can grab the Ultimate Aquaponics Home System eBook and get instant access to it just $39.95.
This small investment is a drop in the bucket compared to the hundreds of dollars you'll save on amazing organic produce and fish, not to mention the added home value and free time Aquaponics will bring into your life! Click Image above to order now.
60 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee
When you order your copy of Ultimate Aquaponics Home System today, it comes with my unconditional 100% 60 Day Iron-Clad Money-Back Guarantee
If you follow the instructions in our eBook and don't get the results we've talked about here with your plants: If you aren't shocked at the abundance of fresh vegetables and fish you now have access to every day. If you don't have more fresh produce than you know what to do with...
Then... simply send us an email at aquaponicsolutions@gmail.com, and your entire investment will be returned to you immediately. Click here to order, and get started today!
It's Easy To Order
We accept Visa, Mastercard, and all other major credit cards. Your order will be processed by a secure server transaction through 'ClickBank.com'. Click here to order. When your order is processed you will be redirected to a download page to get instant electronic access to the Ultimate Aquaponics Home System
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Thank you for taking the time to read this short letter and Happy Gardening!
John Fay ,
PS. The most amazing benefit of aquaponic gardening is that it's MOVABLE. This means you don't need to own your land or have a long term lease... you can take your whole garden and move the system else-where! Get started today.
PPS. During this uncertain economic time, aquaponics is truly a life-saver, think of the added value this system will bring to you and your family... having your own food supply means you could more forward to self-sustainability...help family, friends, or even sell the food to local markets!
PPPS. Aquaponics is truly a revolution in self sustainability, if you don't get on this amazing opportunity today, when will you? Don't stay trapped by the economy and rising food prices! Click here to grab your copy of the Ultimate Aquaponics Home System guide
How To Contact Us
If you've got questions about our aquaponics guide-book, or an inquiry
about your purchase from this web-site, the best way to contact us is to
just send an email to aquaponicsolutions@gmail.com
Postal Address:
65-1158 Mamalahoaha Hwy, PMB 147
Hawaii, USA, 96743 Kamuela
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