Are you still afraid to speak in public?
"Discover The Way to Become A Fearless Speaker That Always Gets The Job,
Impresses the Boss And
Enjoys The Big Raises & Promotions!"
Here's the New Way That Will Give You
The Confidence You Need To Speak In Public...
This Is The Ultimate System For Becoming A World-Class Presenter In Record Breaking Time!
*Have you ever panicked before giving a speech or even a simple presentation?
*Has your fear of public speaking ever held you back from selling your ideas, getting that new promotion or just simply getting your point across?
Are you finally ready to stop letting your fears hold you back in life?
"Finally Able to Talk At Our Meetings..."
Every week, my department has a meeting at 8:45 Monday morning where I have to deliver my report.
You wouldn't believe me if I told you how many weekends were ruined because it was all I could think about.
But now, because of your amazing "My Fear of Public Speaking" program, I am able to give my report without any fear or trepidation! (I even sleep better at night!)
Oh... did I mention? I just got a raise and my boss commented on my increased confidence. This really worked!
Thank you so much, Bryan.
Mel Elkman
Hamilton, New Mexico
Are you ready to discover the simple, easy secret that will give you everything
you need to become the powerful, moving public speaker you long to be?
Well, if you answered YES... then I have good news for you!
I am going to tell you EXACTLY how you can knock-out your fear of public speaking and master ANY stage (no matter how big or how small) in just a few short days!
But before explain to you HOW you can overcome these fears, I want you to understand one very important thing...
You Are NOT ALONE... And it's NOT Your Fault!
My Fear Of Public Speaking
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From: Bryan D. Toder
March 21, 2009
Dear Friend,
I know that when you are at a big convention (or even at a small company meeting) it is easy to think that everyone is a master public speaker, except you...
...and this is simply NOT true!
Public speaking is the BIGGEST fear in the world! People have actually claimed that they are more afraid of speaking in public than they are of dying!
The fear of speaking in front of a crowd is a VERY common one... Most of the "master" speakers didn't start off that way.
All great public speakers had fears of their own to overcome... and most of them did it through hypnosis.
What If You Could Beat Your
Fear Of Public Speaking Once And For All...
...While Feeling More Confident
At The Same Time?
Bryan D. ToderHello, my name is Bryan Toder and I have helped countless men and women conquer their fears of public speaking and gain the confidence they needed to dominate from the stage — or the boardroom.
I personally had this fear many years ago and I know how it feels to tremble at the thought of speaking to any size audience. I fixed it and so can you!
Now, everyone always wants to know how I can help them conquer their fears and install the confidence they need... and the answer is simple: through the power of hypnosis.
Since 2002, I have helped people through my clinical hypnosis practice and the results are amazing!
People come to my office with a fear of public speaking... and they leave with the confidence and stage presence they need to speak before a roomful of people, a small crowd or even a convention room of thousands!
I know that speaking in public can cause anxiety, but it doesn't have to be that way. You CAN leave your fears behind. You CAN become the speaker you have always dreamed of becoming.
You CAN use your words to achieve great things in life... all you need is a little help.
This is the Easiest and Most Effective Way to Eliminate Your Fear of Public Speaking... In Only A Few Short Days!
If You Can’t Learn To Sing By Reading A Book... Why Do People Believe That You Can Conquer Your Fears That Way?
I want you to understand one very important thing... you will NEVER be able to eliminate your fear of public speaking with just some eBook.
You will NEVER be able to eliminate all your worry and doubt with words on paper.
What you need, what you MUST HAVE is an hypnosis audio program that you can listen to. That is why I have gone the extra mile and created a powerful, proven and highly-effective MP3 for you to listen to again and again.
You can listen and be hypnotized into having the confidence to finally be able to speak in public... before any size crowd... without therapy or hundreds of hours of expensive training!
Finally, Fix The True Source Of Your Public Speaking Fear & Defeat It Once And For All!
You Can Add Public Speaking With Confidence
To Your Skill Set & Increase Your Income BIG Time.
*Eliminate the anxiety, worry and panic that accompanies public speaking!
*Overcome your fear of public speaking and change your life for the better!
*Define public speaking in a way that will allow you to get a handle on your fears!
*Become a powerful and effective public speaker in the fastest time possible!
*Create strategies that will give you the means to create an effective oral presentation whether you are directing a video conference or giving a toast during a special occasion.
*Achieve the confidence and stage presence you need to speak before a roomful of people, a small crowd or even a convention room of thousands!
Flat Introducing...
"My Fear of
Public Speaking"
The ONLY hypnosis program
(by a REAL Hypnotist ) that GUARANTEES your success in front of an audience!
(Your "Secret Weapon" to Gain the Confidence
and the Respect Your Deserve!)
My Fear of Public Speaking is more than just a way for you to conquer your fear of public speaking... it is a way for you to take your professional and personal life to the next level.
Just imagine...
...walking into the next meeting and giving the best presentation of your life.
...making more sales, getting more attention and finally receiving that promotion you deserve.
...being able to deliver a speech with power and force... and without fear!
...how much your confidence is going to grow and imagine how much others will respect you and look up to you.
...what this one, powerful MP3 can do for you and your life!
Become The Best Speaker
In Your Company Or Business
Using This New Hypnosis CD!
The Results Are Proven and the Success Stories Are Ground-Breaking
You already know that My Fear of Public Speaking is going to give the helping hand you need to stop the anxiety, end the fear and boost your confidence.
Now I want you to read some of the amazing testimonials and see — for yourself — the kind of life-changing effect My Fear of Public Speaking can have on YOUR life:
Bryan —
I have suffered from anxiety for several years and it was difficult to even get out of my house sometimes, let alone speak in front of people.
With the help of your "My Fear of Public Speaking" MP3, I have not only been able to speak better with people in public but I am now stepping out and speaking at functions associated with anxiety and helping people get over their fears. (I would have never thought I could do that!)
I can promise you that I will recommend your amazing hypnosis MP3 to fellow anxiety sufferers (and I know quite a few!).
The "My Fear of Public Speaking" MP3 and ebook became an amazing asset in my quest to overcome my fears.
My warmest regards,
Angel Lanning
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Public Speaking has never been my strong point, yet after listening to your audio, I cannot believe how much confident and assured I feel of myself!
It is better than any "course" I've tried in the past and I couldn't help but send you my feelings on your product.
I look forward to your other topics regarding hypnosis asap!
Robert Radcliff
Orlando, Florida
I am a professional Disk Jockey and — can you believe it? — I hated getting in front of people to talk! (I felt like such a joke.)
Now, because of your public speaking hypnosis MP3 and ebook, I am able to get up in front of any size crowd.
I'm writing to you to tell you that I just did a party for 1,500 guests — I had to stand before all of those people — and it didn't bother me a bit! I was making jokes... and they laughed!
Thanks, Bryan... you saved my career and my nerves!
Gill Weber
Chicago, Illinois
Anyone who tells you that the ability to give an amazing speech won’t change your life... just doesn't know better.
The problem is that most people don’t realize that they can actually conquer their fear and get the confidence they need to make amazing, emotional and powerful speeches.
Most people have no idea that with the RIGHT help from a Certified Clinical Hypnotist they can FINALLY be rid of their speaking anxiety in just a few short days!
My Fear of Public Speaking —
Simple Name, Amazing Results
*The True Source Of Your Public Speaking Fears & How To Combat It Once And For All! Every fear has a purpose. Usually it is to protect you (like a fear of falling). But, many times the fear is pointless (like a fear of public speaking, right?). With this amazing hypnosis MP3, you WILL overcome your fear — and I GUARANTEE it!
*Why It’s Important For You To Become A Good Speaker And What You Can Expect In Your Career As A Result! Actually, you know what to expect in your career if you don't fix this problem fast. As the economy worsens, you need to keep on your toes to stay ahead in your job and career. Learn this skill and get ahead!
*Wow Your Colleagues And Viewers As You Give An Energetic And Informative Presentation! This is a LOT easier than you think. Most people think giving a good presentation takes a real pro to pull it off. But the reality is, it's just a learned skill. Like a sport. With My Fear of Public Speaking, you will learn how EASY you'll be making presentations — and in most cases — in just a few days!
*How To Unlearn The Public Speaking Fear That You've Been Carrying Around With You For Years! Remember giving a speech in front of your class in second grade? Wasn't terrifying? Well, your subconscious mind remembers it, too! And, you need to UN-LEARN this fear NOW.
*Develop And Unshakable Confidence When It Comes To Presenting In Front Of An Audience! I know what it's like to fear an audience. "Will they like me?" "What if I 'blank-out'?" "What happens if...?" With My Fear of Public Speaking, you will overcome this and get the confidence you NEED to speak before ANY size audience!
Your Fears Will Be Gone.
Many, many people come to my office with the fear of public speaking. As a professional Certified Hypnotist, I help my clients achieve the confidence and "stage presence" they need to speak before a roomful of people, a small crowd or even a convention room of thousands!
Because coming to my office and seeing me personally would cost you thousands of dollars in session and travel costs, this MP3 program is a wonderfully inexpensive way to learn how to become an effective public speaker in the fastest possible time.
My Fear Of Public Speaking
Click Here To Read Full Story!
Everything in My Fear of Public Speaking is in plain-speak without any confusing technical terms. Everything is laid out in a simple step-by-step formula that is a breeze to follow... and I even give you a few extras.
Not only do I give you the complete hypnosis MP3 that will eliminate your fear of public speaking in just a few short days... but I also give you the companion eBook that allows you to do even more!
Killer Bonus #1
My Fear of Public Speaking — Companion Manual (78 pages)
Value $37.00
Just for ordering today I am going to offer you
TWO MORE FREE BONUSES that will give the tools
you need to conquer ANY fear!
Killer Bonus #2
The Fast Phobia Change
Value $97.00 (Actually, if you came to my office this would cost about $250, but let's not quibble.)
If you have ever heard of NLP, it's a very advanced area of hypnotism that will get results in minutes — rather than months or years in traditional therapy.
You don't need to know why it works; you just need to know that it does work! The Fast Phobia Change Technique is a very powerful and effective way to eliminate almost any fear.
I do this for my clients in my office and charge a LOT for it. You get it for FREE in this package. (It is included in a bonus chapter in the Companion Manual.)
The New Behavior Generator
Value $97.00 (Another technique that, if you came to my office, would cost about $250. Really.)
The New Behavior Generator is a classic NLP technique that will help you change any behavior and allow you to become more confident, fearless, or almost any new behavior you want.
A popular technique I use in my office a lot. My clients see changes almost instantly!
You get it for FREE in this package. (It is included in a bonus chapter in the Companion Manual.)
And if all of that wasn't enough,
here's something else…
I'm So Confident That
You Can Conquer Your Fears And Speak In Public With
"My Fear of Public Speaking",
I'm Backing It With a
My Fear Of Public Speaking
Click Here To Read Full Story!
My Fear Of Public Speaking WILL Give You The Confidence That You Deserve... Or It’s FREE!
That's right. It's really just that simple.
I know that you are going to finally give the presentations and speeches that you have always dreamed of making. I know that you are going to discover the secrets that allow you to skyrocket your confidence and change your life for the better.
But, if for any reason you aren't 100% satisfied with My Fear of Public Speaking, then it's FREE! And the best part is you have a FULL 60 days to make up your mind.
All you have to do is order today and give it a try — you really have nothing to lose but the fear that has made you self-conscious your entire life.
You can try it for a full 60 days (which is more than enough time to decide if it is right for you)… and if you haven’t seen the PROVEN RESULTS — all you have to do is send me an email and I will refund your entire purchase price.
No red tape, no hassles and no questions!
This is a guarantee that no other system or product will ever offer because they know that they can't afford to make an offer like this.
Only a program that actually will produce real and lasting results can make an offer like this. So don’t wait another second… take the first step to a new you TODAY!
Give A Speech That Moves Hundreds
Of People WITH EASE...
What Is This Opportunity Worth To You?
If you were to come to my office as a client of mine for a fear of public speaking, you would get the same audio on CD (as a physical product, not a downloadable MP3 as you are getting here) at my office for $77 each. The eBook is sold at my office for $35.
But now, because you are able to download your My Fear Of Public Speaking Hypnosis Program right here — online — and get your program on your computer in minutes... you can own My Fear Of Public Speaking for a FRACTION of what you would pay at my office!
The entire My Fear Of Public Speaking Hypnosis Program:
* My Fear Of Public Speaking MP3 (Value $77)
* My Fear Of Public Speaking: The Companion eBook (Value $35)
Regular Office Prices: $77+35=$112
* The two FREE bonuses would cost you at least $97 each or $194.
So for the hypnosis program, the manual and the two NLP techniques in my office, you'd pay at least $306... but, probably more.
But, because this is a very convenient instant download for you
(no shipping, packing, inventory, etc.)...
...instead of $306, My Fear Of Public Speaking
is just $37 by ordering here. That's all.
(About one-TENTH the normal office price!)
Order "My Fear of Public Speaking" NOW
My Fear of Public Speaking CD My Fear of Public Speaking Companion Guide
So, Are You Ready To Get Started?
Right now you only have two options:
1. You can leave here, right now — and continue to suffer, continue to sweat, shake, get dry-mouth and continue to battle with your fear of public speaking. And you can continue to wonder if there is a better, easier way…
— OR —
2. You can decide to break free of the anxiety, the worry, the embarrassment and the rejection. You can get the hypnosis and have the ability to give a speech that gets you noticed, to get the respect that you deserve and command the attention of everyone! You can finally have your success … faster than you ever imagined.
The choice is pretty clear.
It’s time for you to give yourself what you deserve. It’s time for you to get REAL HELP that will make your fears a problem of the past.
And the best part is, you never have to worry because My Fear of Public Speaking will work for you — or you pay NOTHING!
Order “My Fear of Public Speaking” and take the first step towards your future TODAY!
Here's What You Need To Do Right Now!
• Click the Image below.
• Scroll down the page and hit the order button
• Take out your Visa, Mastercard, Discover, or American Express (or use PayPal) and claim your copy of My Fear of Public Speaking!
To Claim YOUR Copy of the My Fear of Public Speaking
Hypnosis Program and the FREE Bonuses:
Yes, Bryan, I want to conquer my fears with My Fear of Public Speaking NOW!
"I Want to Download a Copy of...
1. "My Fear of Public Speaking" ...and
The 78-Page Companion Manual
The Fast Phobia Change
The New Behavior Generator
All for a Wise Investment of $37.00 that you PROMISE Will Be Worth It!"
Office Price: $306 Your Price: $37
Add to Cart — Buy My Fear of Public Speaking Now!
Order online safely and securely via ClickBank...
Fair Enough?
Bryan D. Toder, HypnotistI urge you to take action right now and grab this amazing hypnosis program. Trust me, you won't want to miss out on this one. Grab your copy now by clicking here for our safe and secure order form.
You'll be amazed at your success!
Bryan D Toder
Bryan D. Toder,
Certified Hypnotist
P.S. —If you keep doing what you have always done, you will just keep getting what you have always got.
Doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result is just plain crazy!
You need to break free of the cycle and finally become the public speaker you know you deserve to be! Do it for yourself, do it for your future, but just do it!
Quit making up excuses to fail and just order now and succeed!
P.P.S. — You really can’t go wrong with My Fear of Public Speaking because everything you need to conquer public speaking is here!
You have already read the testimonials and you are ready to get started.
Don’t wait another second… order today and watch as your peers and your employer start to take notice!
P.P.P.S. — You are completely covered by my FULL 60-DAY guarantee, so you have NOTHING to lose! Order today and just give this powerful, revolutionary My Fear of Public Speaking program a try. I promise you that you won’t be sorry… you will be finally able to speak in front of ANY size audience — without fear!
Quit procrastinating! Order right NOW!
I needed to give talks in front of my class at college and I knew if I didn't fix this fear of mine that I might just flunk out of school.
So, I downloaded the "My Fear of Public Speaking Program" and it worked! In just a few days of listening to Bryan's program, I was able to confidently stand before my peers and deliver my talk.
I am amazed, and pleased. And, I got an A-minus on my last talk!
Jay Jameson
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