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R.H.S. Medal Winning Plantsman From Cambridgeshire Reveals A Easy, Simple Way To Turn Your Gardening Hobby Into A Part Time Income Of $500 to $1000 Per Week
Best Of All, You Get To Play With Your Plants A Few Hours A Day Giving
You A Perfect Lifestyle Business
Dear Gardener,
If you are interested in earning a part time or even full time income from your gardening hobby, then this will be the most important message you read this year.
I will be straight with you right from the start. If you want to be a millionaire by next year, you may as well throw this in the rubbish bin now, and try something else. If you want to have the perfect work life balance, doing something you love please read on. I may just have some information for you which will literally change your life.
Rather than going to the office,
Imagine spending your day with plants
If you're like me, you probably love plants. They are your passion. There is nothing you would rather be doing than gardening, taking cuttings and watching young plants start to grow in spring. This is a wonderful feeling. Just spending time around living plants is enough to relieve the stress, modern living fills our body and mind with. Imagine being able to feel like this every day, without working at the office. This would improve your life, am I right?
I know how it feels to work with plants. I have spent the past 20 years of my life growing and selling them. In that time I have done most jobs that involve plants. Gardening, Landscape Design, Mail Order, you name it, I have done it.
But I also know the frustration of doing something you don't enjoy. Just over 10 years ago, I had to leave my family's nursery business. I had worked there since I left school, but I had been struggling to get on with my father. In 1997 I decided to get a job doing something else. Anything else would do, as long as I was not involved with plants.
I got a good job in a bank. The first month was great. I had a new job with interesting people, and I even got to look smart every day. The second month was OK, but the novelty was wearing thin. The following 3 months were terrible and I realized how stressful modern working life is. I hated it. I had to swallow my pride and call my father, I really wanted to return to the nursery.
This was easier than I had thought, He wanted me back. Even better he offered me a partnership. This was the real start of my love affair with plants and life in general.
Over the next few years the business grew, we were able to cut back on the least profitable side of the business, which was the landscape side, and concentrate on growing and selling plants. This is where 91% of our profits came from.
Last year I was looking on Amazon for a new book or two. I buy lots of books from Amazon, mainly about plants.
Anyway I started looking for books to help people start a horticultural business. To my shock there was only a couple of books on the subject within the last 15 years.
Anyway I ordered the both and waited impatiently or them to arrive. When they finally did arrived, I spent the next 2 weeks reading both of them.
It was decent, but it only covered landscaping. Landscaping is a good business model , but as I mentioned above it is definitely NOT where the majority of money is made. Also it does not involve growing plants, which to me is the magical part of this business.
Your Gardening Hobby Can Earn $4000/Month
Click Here To Read Full Story About How To Grow A Business From Growing Plants!
Then I started on market research. I did some targeted surveys and asked people like you, what would make them happy in their life and careers. I also asked what information they would require to set up their own business involving plants.
The answers were interesting, 80% of people seemed to want the business I had. They did not want a landscape business, where their client was boss. They wanted to work when they wanted. Grow what they wanted, and ultimately have control of their life. They wanted to have the choice of starting early and finishing at lunchtime. Or they just wanted to work when the kids are at school.
Everyone I Talked To Seems To Want
The Perfect Lifestyle Business
Surprisingly, most people who took my survey did not put earning millions as their number one goal. What they wanted most was freedom. Not financial freedom, this was a close second. They wanted 'Time Freedom'. They wanted to work the hours which suited them, whilst still earning descent money.
For the next 6 months I sat with this idea in my head. I could not make up my mind. Was letting people in on my closely guarded secrets a good idea. There was another slight problem. I am not the best writer in the world, or even in my household. I think my 6 year old daughter is better on a keyboard than me. Could I really write a book?
Well there is only one way to find out, write the book. Its the only way people are going to get this incredible lifestyle business they seem to crave. Anyway after 3 months of writing and editing, I am there, Finished. Even better I want you to be one of the 1000 people who I am going to help create your perfect lifestyle business this year.
In addition, for fast movers I have also included some great bonuses. The bonuses alone are worth 20 times the price of the e-book. It is even possible to have e-mail support from me. So don't miss out on this chance to change your life. Order today and get a 8 week risk free trial.
Start Part-Time, Then As You Get More Confident,
Quit Your Job And Go full Time.
Start Tomorrow, Try a New Lifestyle.
Control Your own Destiny.
Live Your Dream.
If you wish to improve your lifestyle, I urge you to grab your copy now. Get it while it is still available at this ridiculously low price. I have a feeling you may not have long left to secure your spot.
Your Gardening Hobby Can Earn $4000/Month
Click Here To Read Full Story About How To Grow A Business From Growing Plants!
If you choice to take this opportunity, I can promise your life should change for the better. Next year at this time you can expect some or all of the benefits listed below:
You will be able to spend your time working with plants. You will no longer call it work, It is like doing your hobby and getting paid for it.
You will make lots of new friends, as your time will now be spent with people with the same interests as you. Personally I find that everyone I meet more than a couple of times becomes friends.
You will be able to fit work around your life. Having a job means fitting life around work. If you follow my plan, in 6 months time you will be able to fit work around your life. I think you will agree this would creates a much better lifestyle.
You will learn so much about plants and gardening. You may find friends, relatives and even strangers asking you for advice. You will get questions, on anything from cutting grass to taking cuttings. There is no better feeling in the world, than being perceived as a expert.
You will find your friends and relatives, especially the ones who advised you to stick to your 9-5 job. The ones who said you cannot create a business for yourself. They will all of a sudden be asking you for career advice, and how they can quit their jobs.
When you talk with people about how you work with plants, they will become very interested and hang off every word you say. I should know, I get this all the time.
Probably best of all, you will be your own boss. You are in charge of your own time. If you lay late one morning, you don't have to explain yourself like a naughty school child. If you wake up one morning and fancy a day out with the kids, just take it, it is easy to catch up the following day.
Now there are a few problems working with plants, and I don't want anyone to start this under false pretences. So here goes.
As you now enjoy work, you may want to spend all of your time at work. Do not do this, 30 hours per week is your maximum stick to it. Personally I prefer 20. Enjoy all your extra free time and take up a new hobby.
I know everyone says if you sing to plants they grow better. This depends on your voice. If you must sing, keep it to 1 hour a day maximum. We want plants to grow, not head back to the soil for protection.
Well that's all the problems I can think of. Back to the benefits.
Most people who enter a career in horticulture, have a better quality of life. If you have a dog, you can take him to work with you. If you like radio 4, you can listen to it all day. Do you see where I am coming from. Its your life, its time for you to take control.
How many people do you know, who love their job. I do and you can too. All you need to do is read the e-book, maybe twice, and you will find it is possible for you to quit your job next year.
Your Gardening Hobby Can Earn $4000/Month
Click Here To Read Full Story About How To Grow A Business From Growing Plants!
Some of the highlights of the e-book are:
# You can earn money within a few days of starting.
# You don't have to risk any money to get started.
# You can mix and match, the tactics to create your own unique business.
# You earn as you learn.
Its Risk Free. Try the e-book at my risk. I give you a 8 week no quibble money back guarantee.
Just ask yourself this one question. 'If I don't do this now, will I still be in the same situation this time next year'. I am afraid the likely answer is 'Yes'.
Now close your eye's for a minute, use your imagination. Think of next year, and what a day in your life could be like. You no longer have to commute to your job. You can now head to your own nursery. At your nursery you will, take some cuttings, water your plants, check on the seeds, then you will gets order's ready for collection. Later you then look over your books, and find that last week was our best week yet. You now earn more money than you use to in your job, working 50 hours per week. Better than that, last week you worked under 20 hours, if you can call your hobby 'work'.
I take it you want to feel like this next year. Well here's your chance. I urge you to order your copy NOW. Do not put this off. Before you know it next year will arrive, and you will still be in the same position you are today.
Chose today to take a step towards a better future. For a very limited period you can buy a copy of 'How to create a business from growing and selling plants', at a very special price.
Available now for only $67? nope, just $37!
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I said earlier, I would include some bonuses. Please take advantage of these by ordering now. The best bonuses are very limited due to my time constraints. My wife thinks I have lost my mind offering my time for private consultation, especially as the ebook is such a bargain. For this reason it is very limited, at the time of writing this letter there are only 45 places left.
Exciting FREE Bonus gifts if you order today!
Bonus 1: Private email consultation for 6 months
I want you to succeed so the best way for me to help you is give you personal advice.Every Monday and Thursday morning I am going to answer all your questions by email. Email me your questions, then I will give you my advice.
Value $97 ( Only 45 places left)
Bonus 2: A 1 page business plan
I want you to succeed so the best way for me to help you is give you personal advice.Every Monday and Thursday morning I am going to answer all your questions by email. Email me your questions, then I will give you my advice.
Value $97 ( Only 45 places left)
Bonus 3: Private Interview session
One of my first customer's Daniel Conner read the book, but had a few questions, we sat down together and went through the questions he had, and resolved them. I recorded our interview and I will make it available to you in MP3 format.
Value $17
Bonus 4: Free book updates for 2 years
As this is the first time I have made it available to members of the public I guess I will have a few more questions from customers. So my plan is to update the book every 6 months or so.
Value 4x $47= $188
Bonus 5: Free monthly email updates for 1 year
As we go through the seasons I will send you a email every month telling you about jobs you need to be doing. I will also cover what new plant have been released, and advise you to whether you should grow them, and where to get them from.
Value $5 per month = $60
Bonus 6: Grass cutting round blueprint
If you want to start full time immediately this blueprint will give you a extra
source of income from the start.
Value $9.97
Bonus 7: $30 Off the price
Yes for the next 100 customers I have decided to give you a discount of
$30. This cuts the price nearly in half. To only $37
Value $30
Now all there is left for you to do, is click the order button below, and secure your copy for just $37, whilst all the bonuses are available. Remember it does not matter what time of day it is. If it is 2am , you can be reading your e-book at 2.01am.
This program is NOT available in stores. You can only access it through this website. After you click the order button you will go through to a clickbank order form
8 Week No Quibble Money Back guarantee
"I will take all the risk. I am giving you 56 days to read and implement the steps in the ebook. If you change your mind, or decide it is not for you, simply let me know by sending an email to me and I will refund your money. You even get to keep the ebook And bonuses"
Thanks for taking the time to read this letter, I really hope it will change your life.
I Wish You all the Success whether you chose to purchase my e-book or not.
P.S. My time is very limited, so the e-mail consultation bonus is being removed after the next 45 customers come in. While I'd love to provide help to all my customers, I won't have time to help each and everyone personally. Make sure you join now…
P.P.S. I am only offering 1000 copy's for sale this year. I want to make sure everybody gets a chance, without flooding the market. If you don't secure now you may have to wait another 12 months to purchase the ebook. This could mean you are another 12 months away from your perfect lifestyle.
P.P.P.S. Remember there is no risk, as there is a 100% no quibble 8 week money back guarantee. Meaning I take all the risk, so I urge you to order today. You won't regret it.
P.P.P.P.S. If You Are Still Undecided, please read what Nick Leight from what really makes money
said about our UK version
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