Discover How YOU Can Learn
the Right Way of
Raising Turkeys Easily the First Time from Experience People Who Have Raised More Than 250,000 Turkeys and
AVOID the Deadly and Costly Mistakes that first time turkey
owners are vulnerable too!
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From: Andrew Grey
Dear Turkey Enthusiast,
Are you frustrated with the limited quality of Turkey Raising books on the market? Are you disappointed again that they are difficult to follow? Not enough information? Do you have questions on raising turkeys properly that need to be answered?
You have tons of questions about raising turkeys and you’re sick and tired of searching for information from all over the place, struggling to get the true and complete facts.
If you have any interest at all in getting a turkey… and if you want to find out what type of turkey you should get…or you just want to figure out whether you should get a turkey or not…keep reading on for the most important information you need to know.
If you’re serious about Raising Turkeys for fun, hobby, or profit, there are a couple of questions you need to consider:
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-How many types of turkey species are there? Which one
should I start with?
-How much does it cost to get started?
-What type of food does turkeys eat?
-How do you feed turkeys?
-When does turkey starts to mate?
-Are there any particular time that turkeys mate?
-What enemies or predators do turkeys have?
-When is the breeding or mating season for turkeys?
-How do you raise baby turkey with the mother in the
-How much space do you need for raising turkey?
The are many benefits for keeping turkeys: for eggs, meat, exhibition, as rare breeds, just pets or business venture.
Whatever your reason for choosing these fascinating birds, you need to know how to raise them properly, from planning their birth to how to raise them properly.
Making a mistake when breeding Turkeys can be deadly for your Turkeys, not to mention
costly, frustrating and downright depressing.
You also need to consider,
Are there any associations or organizations relating to turkeys where you can get regular news about turkeys?
Are there any online forums or community where you can get support relating to raising turkeys?
How long does turkeys mate and what do you need to do to be prepared for it?
Why is your turkey being aggressive towards you or another person?
If you or one of your loved ones wants to know how to raise turkeys from start to finish, but have a lot of doubt or questions...
...then this could be the most informative letter you have ever read.
At one time, I was very interested to Raising Turkeys too! Unfortunately, it seemed so easy and I just jumped into it without any thought..
I had a tonne of questions, but didn’t have anything closed to what an
answer would be. More than once I wished I could be a vet and an
experience breeder at the same time. Then the whole issue would hold no secrets. Why? Because I knew only knowledge and experience could give me the skills to breed a turkey.
Information is truly the most powerful tool to help you raise turkey. You see, if you would recognize the proven methods to raise turkey right away, you could help your turkey instantly. And only if you’d know what your turkey needs, you could give the best possible care.
And now you are in the same position as I was back then. You NEED
Of course you can see a vet and ask what to expect. But their time is valuable and pricey. Or seek a breeder for advice. But they’re too busy to tell their secrets to an unknown stranger.
So getting the knowledge of a vet and the skills of a breeder ain’t as easy as I have tried it and I know from personal experience.
In fact, I have researched countless hours through websites, books, magazines, forums; talked to many turkey experts and tried different ways to learnt…
You don’t need to go through the frustration that I did, the pain of nobody to turn to for valuable advice on turkey raising.
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You can learn from my mistakes!
You see, I’ve recently put together a 139 pages downloadable book called “The Essential Beginners Guide To Raising Turkeys”
Learn everything you need for your peace of mind and confidence in
raising turkeys.
In this guide, you’ll also discover amazing peoples who have been raising turkeys successfully most of their life and has vast experience to share regarding turkeys.
These honorable people in the field of turkeys have raised, breed and hatched more than 250,000 turkeys and have encountered many challenges along the way!
You're going to save time, money and frustration.
Real-Life Case Study #1 -
Frank Reese
Frank has been raising turkeys all his life and a 4th generation Kansas farmer. His love for turkeys has lead him to breed, hatched and raised around 250,000 turkeys up till today. You will be able to learn his tricks and avoid costly mistakes.
Real-Life Case Study #2 -
Rod Woolford
Rod has been involved in free-range turkey production for 15 years and has successfully developed a thriving business. nd raised around 250,000 turkeys up till today. His enterprise has developed to produce, process and market 16,000 turkeys annually. You will be able to learn the important factors in the success of the turkey farm.
Real-Life Case Study #3 -
Craig Floyd
Craig is the owner of a 15 acres of farm and has been raising Bourbon Red Turkeys for about 4 years ago. You will be able to learn how did he get started and what are the obstacles that you need to tackle so that you are not caught by surprise. Discover the types of food that he feeds his turkeys in order to keep them healthy.
Real-Life Case Study #4 -
Mary Pitman & family
The Pitman's family has been raising turkeys since 1954 and she has 6 turkey ranches and recently opened their own processing plant in 2003. Mary's Free Range Turkeys grow naturally and raised in a humane manner. Discover what are the major mistakes that beginner
turkey raiser is making and
Mary's advice on it.
Personally, I have always believed in the principle, "Model someone who's already reached the goal you want to achieve."
Did You Know?
Only tom turkeys gobble. Hen turkeys make a clicking noise.
Sound of Tom Gobbling
You'll learn to avoid the mistakes and disastrous situations that you've been vulnerable to. Poor methods of raising turkey can also put you at high risk of a less than satisfactory relationship with your turkey. Not to mention the potential health benefits your turkey loses by not being able to understand their behavior.
So if you’re feeling afraid, uncertain and worried about taking the plunge into
raising turkeys, then please relax. You’re not alone and help is at hand. Read on and hear everything I’m going to share with you to discover how you can learn from the best and shorten your learning curve, save valuable time and hard-earned money along the journey of raising turkeys. It’s that important.
The best part about this information is that
anyone can do it and it’s easy!
Whether your turkey is a tom, hen or a turkey breeder, it doesn’t matter. The information and techniques apply to all heritage breeds and all ages of turkeys.
Let me give you an idea of what you can
Getting Started
*Where to start in raising turkeys?
Be sure and clear of your intention for choosing this poultry species
*Are you ready to have a turkey?
10 important questions that deserve your consideration before you make the jump to get a turkey (some people skip these and end up getting into a situation out of their hands!)
*Practical suggestions for deciding how much space you need
Ignore this and you could end up with a pretty uncomfortable situation!
*Different types of heritage turkey
Learn the amazing behaviors of different species situated at different continent
*Housing and Space needed
You’ll learn how to calculate the ideal area for your Turkey Breeding to effectively maximize your potential for breeding while keeping your turkeys happy and healthy.
*Terminology and quick tips about turkey
You can save time and learn the language used by turkey breeders and tips about turkeys which all new breeders should know.
*The behavioral notes on turkeys
And how you can make sure you know what the turkeys natural behavior so that you are not surprise
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Breeding and Breeder
*The Breeding Season
Discover the behavior changes during the breeding season to avoid being caught off guard
You’ll discover how many eggs to expect and what is the things to look out for during this critical stage
*Mating Habits
Why some of the individual turkey pair for life and some don’t
*Turkey Breeders and Hatchery Guide
Where to find turkey breeders that are nearest to your home with the best price
*Food and feeding the turkeys
3 things you MUST consider when providing food and how to feed them
*Hatching and eggs
How to keep the eggs safe while you’re gone
*Fatal mistakes in raising turkeys
Why you would not want to waste your effort in focusing on the wrong method face by most turkey owners
Managing Turkey Effectively
*General Management Recommendations
*Diseases, ailments and preventions
How to ensure you are aware of the diseases and how to prevent it from being fatal. The quote "Prevention is better than cure" really applies here.
*Forums and experience turkey breeder for support
Learn the place to get help when you need most and also the common questions encountered by beginners of even season turkey owner and turkey breeder
*Learn the stages of development and what to expect when the turkey grows
Discover the habitual change from turkey eggs to tom or hen in the development cycle
*Turkey Sanctuaries for Holiday and Educational Visit
Discover the only place in the world where you are able to walk through the heart of a colony of nesting turkeys and be close with them. You will also get the witness poults hatching moment from this place!
*Associations, sanctuaries, organizations relating to turkeys
You will be expose to additional information not mentioned elsewhere when you need it!
Common Questions ask by Turkey Owners
You May Not Know This But...
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Turkeys are very curious! Young turkeys have been known to drown in a half-filled pail of water-not just one bird, a bucket full of birds, one after the other!
Disease control in a small flock of turkeys on a farm is not difficult, but CARE, SANITATION, and ISOLATION are the keys to a successful disease control program. Turkey can't be raised with chickens because there are some diseases that can kill turkeys but don't seem to bother the chickens.
Start planning your Turkey Farm
5 minutes from now!
This guide is available via instant download! You can be reading this book and be well on your way to learn the guide and tips to raising turkey in 5 minutes! Even if you have never downloaded something from the internet before it comes with instructions, it’s so easy!
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Here’s best news of all: you made it here just in time to take advantage of an unprecedented offer.
It’s part of a marketing test that’s got my accountant up in arms; he thinks that even our normal risk-free price of $59.95 is too low. But because the Internet has reduced many of our costs, I’m doing a test and passing our savings on to our Internet customers (i.e. you) until depending on how it affects sales, we may or may not continue the special discount after this date.
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And to top it off…
"If You Act Now, You Also Receive These Amazing Bonuses.."
BONUS GIFT #1 (Value: $17), Yours FREE!
Animal Welfare: Codes of Recommendations for the
welfare of Turkeys
- The Recommendations are designed to help breeders, particularly those who are young and inexperienced to attain the required standards.
- Discover the important factors covered in this material such as turkey housing, ventilation, temperature, lighting, feed and water, saddling of hens, toe cutting, beak trimming, desnooding, dewinging, disposal of unwanted poults and hatchery waste, etc.
BONUS GIFT #2 (Value: $29), Yours FREE!
Animal Care Best Management Practices - Guidelines for the Production of Turkeys
- Discover the guidelines which represent the most up-to-date-scientific information available on ensuring the health and well being of turkeys.
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- Find out the tools needed to make improvements with the current state-of-the-art practices and to set the stage for enhancement in turkey production
BONUS GIFT #3 (Value: $27), Yours FREE!
The UK Turkey and Geese Production Industry:
A Short Study
- Learn about a short study on the turkey and geese production industry in UK
- Discover the processing operations on turkey production from legislative requirements, processing of turkeys, turkeys health management, disease threats to turkey production and etc
- Find out the seasonal and annual year round turkey production costs that helps you consider in your situation in starting up
BONUS GIFT #4 (Value: $9), Yours FREE!
Producing Turkeys for Show
- Learn the important factors which a successful turkey exhibitor must adhere to
- Discover the end-to-end procedures to producing turkeys for show from purchasing poults, housing, brooding, lighting, feeding and turkey flock health
BONUS GIFT #5 (Value $17), Yours FREE!
List of 50 Turkey Producers
- This compilation list will save you lots of time and enable you to contact each turkey producers according to the turkey breeds that they produce together with their address, phone number, e-mail address.
BONUS GIFT #6 (Value $15), Yours FREE!
Small-Flock Turkey Production
- Discover the secrets of raising turkey for small-flock production. You'll learn important aspect of marketing and processing, production and management, feeding and watering, health programs and also managing the production budgets.
What if my question about raising turkeys is not
answered in this guide?
I didn’t write a whole book about raising turkeys like an encyclopedia because people wouldn’t read the whole thing. I just took all the important points and condensed it into one guide book.
Not only that, but I want to be sure you have the time to really try some of tips in the guide book and make sure they work for your turkey. So I’m giving you a
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Wishing you all the best,
Author, “The Essential Beginners Guide To Raising Turkeys”
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P.S. Imagine the increased joy and satisfaction it will bring you when you learn exactly how easy it is to have a happy and healthy and turkey all from your effort. Take advantage of my no risk offer and enjoy what many other turkey owners are enjoying this minute!
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P.P.S. Don't wait for the price to increase by $10.00 or $20.00. Lock in at the lowest price possible by ordering the book today!
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